Patricia Cisco


About Patricia Cisco

I am a mother of two grown sons, we are an extremely close family & extended family, like all families we have had many wonderful & blessed times through life and we have experienced heart ache as well, I raised my sons, to never make judgement upon another persons journey in this life and to be the best them that they can be , that is all we can really do in this life that is so short in comparison to the big scheme of history & time. Is to try, try and live simply and simply live with compassion & forgiveness in our hearts toward one another, being the best person you can be and always changing and growing along the way.
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    Poems by Patricia Cisco

  • "The Word"

    My poem is dedicated to God Almighty, The Word, the Truth, His Promise. I'm trying to give a befitting complimentary description in words of The Word, Almighty God, our Creator, our Messiah, yet putting it forward so that even a child understands the beauty and simplicity of God, "The Word", since all things began with The Word" and is promised to return through The Word". I hope my poem is worthy enough to give
    praise and hopefully interest readers young and old.

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    • Posted on 02/16/24

    in God Poems

    "The Word"

    First Spoken, last heard,
    God's Almighty Holy Word,

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    • Rating 4.00
  • November Harbinger

    Nature and all the seasons intrigue me, the beauty of every unique season has its very own personality and style. I love the familiar scents in the air, the sky of one season looks so unique from another. Each month has it's own subtle changes. This short poem is about a November early evening beautiful, fiery charcoal sky that looks so familiar to ones I remember in past years as a harbinger of Thanksgiving time of year, I hope readers will enjoy this short poem.

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    • Posted on 11/16/23

    in Fall Poems

    November Harbinger

    Brilliant lonely star on high,
    In the fiery charcoal sky,

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  • Hello Autumn

    • Published: October 2021

    in Haiku

    Warm fall afternoons,
    crisp cool eves with harvest moons,
    crickets singing tunes,


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    Featured Shared Story

    I'm so happy you enjoyed "Hello Autumn." It has always been my favorite season of the year. I had to think of a way to sum it up completely for a Haiku style poem and this is what I came up...

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  • What A Difference A Day Makes

    • Published: September 2020

    in Fall Poems

    What a difference a day makes,
    twenty-four little hours.

    Cool chill in the air,


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  • Waiting For Heaven

    • Published: November 2020

    in Son Death Poems

    Your very first breath of life, I was there.
    Tiny miracle of God, you appeared,
    overflowing with joy, my eyes cried a tear,
    outstretching my arms to hold you so near.


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    • Rating 4.49
  • View All Poems by Patricia Cisco


  • Patricia Cisco
  • 1 year ago

I really enjoyed this Poem "True Friend" such a beautiful Tribute to Your Friend David also to Your wife. I'm sure they are still very near to You watching over You from Heaven. Someday they will be with You again for all eternity. Your poem has so much thought & Love in every word, every verse, beautifully written. Thank You for sharing. Congratulations on your poem, "True Friend" most certainly was best choice for Winning Poem for December !

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  • Patricia Cisco
  • 1 year ago

Love this poem, most of us go through our minds taking over in a negative way at some point in life, not just the young, all ages go through our thoughts that play over and over in our minds, negative thoughts are so life draining, so strong, but we can all be over-comers of all situations, feelings and heart aches, seems we usually come out of this darkness so much stronger with empathy and compassion for others because we've been there. I have come to realize we can be our own worse enemy, our own worse critic. I believe this might be a journey of self struggle we all need to go through on our own as we gain true wisdom about life, we also learn how to lift others up, by doing so we finally understand that it's okay, no-one is perfect, it's okay to fall, it's okay we have flaws, weaknesses, faults, we're human. We also have strengths, we're all on a journey through life, there's no experts on life, life is tough, tougher for some that makes some even stronger. Powerful Poem!

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  • Patricia Cisco
  • 2 years ago

I'm so happy you enjoyed "Hello Autumn." It has always been my favorite season of the year. I had to think of a way to sum it up completely for a Haiku style poem and this is what I came up with. Thank you, Teresa, for your kind remarks.

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  • Patricia Cisco
  • 2 years ago

Dear Priscilla, I have not been well (physically, spiritually, or emotionally) since I lost my son. I am just now trying to reach out to certain people, and I remembered your message that was sent a while back, and I needed to respond to you. Your precious son and you and your granddaughter remain in my prayers. My heart aches for you. God bless you!

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  • Patricia Cisco
  • 3 years ago

My heart was aching as I read this poem. I feel the pain, I know it well. A "mother's grief" is like no other. It pierces the depths of our soul. It's the deepest life-shattering pain we wish we never had but now we NEED to feel! I understand completely. What a truly beautiful poem to your precious, loving son. I walk through my home every day as I kiss all the moments in time of my precious son placed in frames all over my home. I will pray for you. I pray for every single one of us who feel this heartache the rest of our lives. I pray that God will reunite us immediately with our loving children the moment we leave this earth. Beautiful poem, God bless you!

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