A Brilliant Golden Ray
in Sister Death Poems
One morning under a clear blue sky day,
There was a crisp November chill in the air,
As the sun shone down in a brilliant golden ray,
Upon all the sweet flowers and people gathered there.
in Sister Death Poems
One morning under a clear blue sky day,
There was a crisp November chill in the air,
As the sun shone down in a brilliant golden ray,
Upon all the sweet flowers and people gathered there.
My sister Penny passed away February 23, 2017. Today marks 2 months that she has been gone. I still have trouble believing that such a vibrant, beautiful, funny, intelligent, caring, and...
The wind whispers to the waiting trees,
A special summons to rouse their spirit;
Strumming their branches with a breeze,
And swirling the leaves to add some merit,
Thank you for sharing this poem with all of us. My family recently lost my father-in-law. He was battling cancer and in his last few hours, I decided to read some poems to comfort him along...
Jealousy is such an ugly beast,
Consuming in a ruthless feast,
Every thought of rational notions
Or capacity for gentler emotions,
Come, walk with me into the forest's blessed abode,
To see the wondrous beauty the Earth has bestowed;
We'll bask in the surreal splendor that surrounds us,
And listen to nature composing the forest's grand opus,
I began writing "The Forest's Blessed Abode" about a month after I returned from a trip to Alaska and Canada, where I saw some of the loveliest forests and surreal scenery I have ever seen....
Leaves fluttering on a gentle breeze,
Within the forest of whispering trees,
Makes sunlight gracefully dance there,
Upon the ground and everywhere.
This poem touches my heart deeply because I enjoy practicing/learning/enjoying/reading/memorizing descriptive poems (in this case about nature's beauties), especially when the words fill the...
My mother seems so far away from me
On that beautiful white shore across the sea.
Yet I remember love's soft glow upon her face
And the feel of her touch and tender embrace.
The poem is really nice. I lost my mother 23/12/2016,16 days after my birthday. Too sad she was still admitted in the hospital on my birthday. I felt like cursing that day, but I had to be...
in Ocean Poems
The perpetual cadence of the vast sea
Stirs a restless desire that engulfs me.
Like an infinite force I dare not impede,
Briefly rushing in - only to then recede.
I used to think that I was nothing, but I'm not anything - I am something - that is a talented, intelligent, calm, kind, pretty, artistic, unique girl who is loved by everyone around me. I...
Your face frozen in blissful eternal sleep now.
As I kiss you goodbye on your cold brow,
A last tearful glance as you're taken away.
There was nothing anyone could do or say.
My sister just loss someone and compared them to a butterfly which shows us "what a soft touch is like and the beauty of what love could be, but after a short time in our lives they die. So...
Graves of those once loved in times gone by,
Quietly lying in rows beneath the Earth's sky;
Such a peaceful place of many deep sorrows,
Where the living walk among solemn rows,
I have done a lot of genealogy research and have visited quite a few cemeteries. Some of them were small and very old, and some of them neglected. I took up genealogy to discover my roots and...
Could there be a world of caring?
Offering our goodwill and sharing
Makes this world a finer place.
Pitying the broken of our race