Compassion Poem

Making A More Caring World Begins With Each Of Us

Human history has been filled with acts of savage cruelty driven by hate, greed, apathy, and ignorance. Yet, this is countered by the nobler, gentler human acts of compassion, kindness, empathy, sympathy and humanity. The Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" character, Gandalf, stated: "Some believe only great power can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love."

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A World Of Caring

© more by Belinda Stotler

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2019 with permission of the Author.

Could there be a world of caring?
Offering our goodwill and sharing
Makes this world a finer place.
Pitying the broken of our race
Allows our hearts to understand.
Steady courage makes us stand
Strong against cruel human hate.
Inspiring others changes their fate,
Opening doors that give them hope.
Nurturing compassion helps us cope.

Kindred spirits are easier to find
If we will listen with an open mind.
Noticing others need a helping hand,
Doing selfless deeds when we can,
Not hesitating to do what is right,
Each of us can be a beacon of light,
Strengthening those with dire needs.
Spreading kindness sows many seeds.

Each of us has a valuable role to play,
Making a concerted effort so we may
Pay it forward for what we've received.
Apathy is a notion that is ill-conceived
That makes some ignore another's pain,
Helping only if there is material gain,
Yet, those with empathy never refrain.

Supporting those bearing painful sorrow,
Yearning to find hope again in tomorrow,
Moves us to find a path to a better day.
Providing light to show them the way
Allows us to see the good within our race
That resides deep within a heartfelt place.
Helping us soothe and heal what is wrong
Yields some comfort with sympathy's song.

Hope rises from compassion and sympathy.
Using our empathy helps us defeat apathy,
Moving us to open our hearts and minds,
Allowing us to create harmony that binds;
Never forgetting kindness benefits us all,
Instills a desire that breaks a dividing wall
That lets our humanity make us clearly see
You and I are the answer - we are the key!


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