21. Life May Be Hard
Don't stop and scream at the pebble that made you fall.
If you can't get up, at least crawl.
You gotta move forward
And never be cornered
Don't stop and scream at the pebble that made you fall.
If you can't get up, at least crawl.
You gotta move forward
And never be cornered
Dear Sara,
I'm a teen, and I can relate your poem! I get that feeling sometimes. Your poem is very encouraging and beautiful. I think next time I feel that way I will look at your poem. Best...
You're almost there.
Just a few more steps.
You can beat this game,
a lot like chess.
She never liked to read,
Because she was always in her own head.
So she wrote of all the things she knew,
And made her own stories instead.
When I think of peace, I see myself in a world where I can truly be myself,
Who I choose to be, where I can just let go and be comfortable with who I am
A world with no hatred, racism, or pain
Preach preacher, preach. As an African American girl, I say this: We want peace! We want peace! We want peace!
I get laughed at,
I get ignored,
I often feel trapped,
and I keep my thoughts stored.
It's a year late in response, and I apologize for that. I haven't checked on this poem for 5 years. I am 20 now...I gave up my love for writing. The world has beaten me down and...
Never give up,
Never give in.
Move onward and upward with strength from within.
This poem has given me hope, I am currently doing my B tech of which I was about to deregister it because its all seemed so hard to uphill, but reading this poem gave me strength to face...
I have my own dreams
and my own desires.
Something for which I'm keen,
want to set the world on fire.
I can understand you. Most of the Indian parents are like that. I, too, have a huge dream on which I am working on. My three friends and I have a dream, so we are getting more perfect on our...
Isn't it right that every child should have a bed,
To have a roof over their head?
Isn't it right that every child
Should be shown affection,
There is a boy who lives on the streets,
always alone and never enough to eat.
When he walks down the road,
he makes sure his confidence shows.
I love this poem because it really describes how I feel.... I always try to make sure to please everyone else and never show people how I really feel.. I write poetry and I hope you continue...
As long as I can remember, I've been wrong.
Everyone always saying I have to be strong.
Everything inside myself tells me to give in,
The poem conveys a valuable message to those who struggle to face hardships in life. It is not the fate but one's courage that handles life.
Why are you so different when you're with friends
yet when we're alone you let your heart unbend.
You try to act cool; you try to act tough,
but when it's just us, you're none of that stuff.
Life is something you cannot fake.
You live and learn from each mistake.
Sunny days or cloudy skies,
Happy greetings or sad goodbyes.
I have a best friend, and her name is Lilley. When I met her, I found out that she also had a problem with cutting, like me. One day her boyfriend, Robert, wanted to talk to me. He asked why...
Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but words will never hurt me.
That old saying is such nonsense.
Be brave.
You already are.
Look at what you've made it through.
The wounds of your past have healed.
It is a poem which infuses courage to those who have direct experience of war, making them think positively about life, forgetting the bitter past. We also faced a similar situation as a...
I heard the voices scream
“Nigger, best shut your mouth.”
When prejudice ran wild
While hatred ruled the south
Life is like a marathon
That we cannot reject; we must run
It's a continuous route that we travel on
At some points the path is tough, sometimes it's fun
When you look in the mirror do you see what I can see?
Your body and your spirit so unbreakable and free
When I look at every one of you, I hope you know I care.
I hope you know you're beautiful and not a soul on Earth compares.
Erica, I love how you write your beautiful poems. That really makes me feel so wonderful that I can't even express, but I'm feeling pretty sad that you haven't share more poems within the...
You made me trust you,
You made me love you,
You made me dream that you were the one for me.
I am beautiful,
I am powerful,
I am desireable,
Boys love me,
The paint brush is mine
To have and to hold
As I stare at the canvas
I let my story unfold
I liked this poem. It was really good and simple but effective. Keep writing.