Inspirational Poem by Teens

LGBTQ Pride Poem

Hi! I am a thirteen-year-old girl who has secretly been writing poetry since I was in fourth grade. I love poetry with all of my heart, and here is another poem that I recently finished. This one is called "Let It Show," and it is an inspiring poem that I hope can appeal to the LGBTQ community and everybody else out there who wants to one day let their inner emotions and dreams shine. Don't let anything hold you back, and don't be afraid to show who you are on the inside. Love is love! Thank you! <3

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Erica, I love how you write your beautiful poems. That really makes me feel so wonderful that I can't even express, but I'm feeling pretty sad that you haven't share more poems within the...

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Let It Show

© more by Erica

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2018 with permission of the Author.

When you look in the mirror do you see what I can see?
Your body and your spirit so unbreakable and free
When I look at every one of you, I hope you know I care.
I hope you know you're beautiful and not a soul on Earth compares.

All around us in this world we are mocked by our reflections
That only show the things we hate and show our imperfections,
But when you look a little deeper there is so much that you hide
That you don't need to be holding in and bottling up inside.

If you have a passion, let it out. It's been waiting so long to shine.
If you love something, let it show. This is your chance. This is your time.
If you want to be an artist or you want to travel to Spain,
Don't let anything stop you. There is no such thing as shame.

If you dream of being Buddhist or you want to play hockey someday,
Forge ahead and carve a path. Don't let anything stand in your way.
If you want to make world peace or be a therapist or play clarinet
Head right towards your future because you're not finished yet.

If you have something you're hiding, that you cover up in shame,
If you're straight or bi or lesbian or transgender or gay,
There is nothing to be hiding! Show them what they've never seen.
You can do it! Boy or girl or not or somewhere in between.

Because you're beautiful, yes you're beautiful. And that is what I know.
You are unique and you are loved, and it is time to let it show.
You are wonderful and beautiful and infinitely so much more.
Love is love! It doesn't matter what gender your heart is beating for

Your dream is out there waiting, and so many people want to help.
You can achieve it if you really believe it and if you believe in yourself.
P-R-I-D-E spells pride. I have pride in you and that's something I know.

You have so many wonderful things inside!
It's time to let them show!



Hello everyone! My name is Erica, I’m a young teen who loves poetry with all her heart. I’m thrilled to share my poems with you, and I hope they are a place of sanctuary for you like they are for me. Life is a crazy thing, and it has thrown more at me than you may think. But in the end, we’re all just people, we’re all...

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Erica, I read all your poems and think you are an amazing poet. You are destined for very great things. You are an extremely talented young writer, and there will be no stopping you as you grow in your life and experiences and continue to write about them. I am only an amateur, but I am awed by your work. Thank you for sharing your wonderful work with us.

Thank you for reading my poem! Please comment and leave your stories! My poems are always open for discussion! Thank you! <3

  • Anurag Gupta by Anurag Gupta
  • 3 years ago

Erica, I love how you write your beautiful poems. That really makes me feel so wonderful that I can't even express, but I'm feeling pretty sad that you haven't share more poems within the last couple of year. I hope you are all right. I wish you would write more poems because I love them so much. They are all amazing. I just read your poem "The Old Oak Tree," and it's so lovely.

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