21. It's Fine Today
Famous Poem
Sure, this world is full of trouble
I ain't said it ain't.
Lord, I've had enough and double
Reason for complaint;
Famous Poem
Sure, this world is full of trouble
I ain't said it ain't.
Lord, I've had enough and double
Reason for complaint;
Wow, this poem gives a cool perspective on life. This poem makes one realize worrying doesn't help.
We've all been through thick.
We've all been through thin.
We've all been to the light
And back to the dark again.
Your story is written day by day.
It is written with things that you do and say.
Daily you start with a page that is blank.
I like poems written in simple words so that even a layman can understand. This is one such. It is nice.
There are only a handful of people
You'll meet in life
That truly touch your heart
And make you glad you're alive
Our son, Christian, passed away suddenly at the age of 26 on October 20th, 2006. I came across this poem; it reminded me so much of our Christian. He had that type of personality and the...
Everyone is searching
for the missing piece in life.
The key to unlock the door
and steal back all lost time.
This is such a perceptive and mature poem from one so young. Her message in this poem is "Happiness is knowing when you have enough. Be thankful and grateful for what you have."
What seeds have you been planting
In the garden of your heart?
What will be forthcoming
When the germination starts?
I am suffering due to a deformity in my feet which I got in my teenage years. But I never gave up anything in life. I continued my studies and secured a good position in society. I got...
It's not so easy....
Anyone can spot others' flaws.
It's easy, like a blink of the eyes.
Famous Poem
What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare
No time to stand beneath the boughs,
This is a wonderful poem and has always been one of my favourites. At this time of lockdown restrictions and protecting ourselves, we have that time to stop and look at the world - to enjoy...
I walk slowly down the streets paved with sadness,
Addicts begging for favors and pleading for change,
Desperation plagues their dark hollow eyes
And their hearts, they are empty and I
When my father died, I though my world had died too. I no longer cared about anything, things I once cared about had no meaning, no worth. Unfortunately, this included not only material...
Famous Poem
The holiest of all holidays are those
Kept by ourselves in silence and apart;
The secret anniversaries of the heart,
When the full river of feeling overflows;--
There are moments in our life we'll always treasure.
Tiny fragments from our past, remembered pleasure.
Maybe it will be a song somebody sings,
Or the fragrance of a rose, a memory brings.
A man cannot live without reflection. It gives us oxygen. The past always lies in our heart. Its recollection may make us pleased or sad. Thank you, Alora Knight.
You weren’t born
to lose yourself
within this darkness.
I love this poem. It really hit home. Often times, I forget that I am worthy too. I matter just as much as the next person. I lose myself in the darkness often. But, when I read this poem, I...
The future is too far away to dream of.
The past is too far behind to dwell on.
The world is too big to go unnoticed.
Nature is too beautiful to be passed by.
It's unbranded and unclaimed,
Elusive and in vain.
It ebbs and it flows,
Wishing away as it goes.
Crystal, really enjoyed the thoughtfulness of this poem. Gave me much to consider about time. Great job! Brought to mind a silly thought I once had: "Can the hands of a clock grasp the...
You cannot
slow the setting
of the sun.
You can only choose
Wait, you say, but I want to know.
Wait, you say, but it's just so slow.
Do I need to live with the questions
Or simply wait for your confession?
I am a lost traveler like a million others
Having no destination and no direction
With rocky road and no companion
And still I wander and wonder
If Love is a dream,
then I shall always dream.
If Love is an earthquake,
then let it shake me.
The conflict between love and hate is beautifully brought out. It is said that love and hate are like the two sides of a coin which remain so close to each other. This reminds me of the poems...
If this day is my last,
I will be rejoicing,
Reminiscing my memories since my life came to being.
I will spend this day only by praying
It’s difficult to take in the entirety of something
when you are standing inside of it.
Valleys are best seen from peaks.
Mountains from their bases.
One should always keep an open mind when viewing the world around them, and what you say in your beautiful poem is so true, and other people often can see our inner beauty before we do. That...