Fear Poem

Poem About Seeking Answers

Living the farm life as a young girl I had many opportunities to contemplate in quiet about what I observed. It was peaceful and sunny, sometimes peaceful and raining, but that was life at the time.

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Waiting For Truth


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2016 with permission of the Author.

Wait, you say, but I want to know.
Wait, you say, but it's just so slow.
Do I need to live with the questions
Or simply wait for your confession?

Who are you really in your mind?
Is it the key I need to find?
Do I accurately read your face,
Or is your grin quite out of place?

These answers won't just come too soon,
And I just wonder how many moons.
You'll keep me deeply in suspense,
Inviting questions more intense.

You have your reasons, I can tell
But waiting seems a living hell.
But I'm afraid to know the truth,
And knowing this I feel abused.

I know that rushing does no good,
And patience just may prove it would
Help me live with the unknown
Until the truth will then be known.

But truth arrives with revelation
That makes us contemplate our station.
Sometimes it's better just to wait
Till we are fit to change our state.

May Spirit help us in our quest
To hear and understand the rest.
Once we are clear to know the truth
Life will advance and be more smooth.


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