Famous Holiday Poem

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was an American poet who lived from 1807-1882. He experienced tragedy in his life with the unexpected death of two wives. In this poem, he shows that we all have special moments in our lives that we celebrate, and they become our own personal holidays. They are days to remember certain people or events that have impacted our lives. Longfellow uses similes in this poem to show the purity of those meaningful holidays.

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Famous Poem


Henry Wadsworth Longfellow By more Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The holiest of all holidays are those
Kept by ourselves in silence and apart;
The secret anniversaries of the heart,
When the full river of feeling overflows;--
The happy days unclouded to their close;
The sudden joys that out of darkness start
As flames from ashes; swift desires that dart
Like swallows singing down each wind that blows!
White as the gleam of a receding sail,
White as a cloud that floats and fades in air,
White as the whitest lily on a stream,
These tender memories are;--a fairy tale
Of some enchanted land we know not where,
But lovely as a landscape in a dream.


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