Meaningful Poem

Poem About The Power Of Empathy

I was inspired to write this poem because of all the heartache that addiction causes. I read another poem of a girl whose brother ended up in the hospital with a body crushed and a mind and spirit robbed from addiction. It touched my heart and lead me to write this for all those near and dear to the lost in spirit.

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When my father died, I though my world had died too. I no longer cared about anything, things I once cared about had no meaning, no worth. Unfortunately, this included not only material...

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Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

I walk slowly down the streets paved with sadness,
Addicts begging for favors and pleading for change,
Desperation plagues their dark hollow eyes
And their hearts, they are empty and I
I silently cry.

I see in parks the children that are playing,
Smiles and joy lights up their faces with glee,
Laughter fills the air with song and delight,
Their hearts are full with love and trust in their eyes,
I silently cry.

I cry for the lost, the rich and the poor,
Whose hearts have grown bitter and cold,
For what could have been in their life is now gone,
And left is the empty high of a drug that's unknown,
I silently cry.

I pray for the ones who have given up hope,
Hope for a future of love, faith, and joy,
I pray for the lonely the sick and the lost,
That someone would take the time to reach out,
I silently hope.

I hope for a future, a better tomorrow,
For people who need compassion and care,
I hope that bitterness melts with the touch of a heartbeat,
I hope for the love that we can give one another,
For are we not really everyone's brother?


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Grace by Grace
  • 12 years ago

When my father died, I though my world had died too. I no longer cared about anything, things I once cared about had no meaning, no worth. Unfortunately, this included not only material things, emotional things but people, more precise my children. I love the will of living, It looked like me, but during this dark period I became vulnerable to dark habits, dark, disgusting habits that made me feel disgusting as well. It was what I wanted, I didn't want joy, sunlight, love, family, but most of all, or worst of all, I did not want GOD. I hated Him for taking something so precious, special and beautiful from me, something that meant the world to me, my father. I could not understand how he could allow this man, my father, who devoted his life to my mama and us. He was the ultimate to me. Why let horrible beings remain and take this man. It took 20 years to realize why. Thank God for that.

  • almaelena by almaelena
  • 16 years ago

This poem is the reality of how drugs destroy a life and the dreams that we once have as little kids. My brother now 23 has been struggling with addictions for more than seven yrs. He developed a mental issue that has put limits to his life, along with his addictions life has been tough for him.. He was in rehab for 2 yrs ,went through so much, just to get out and fall back again. Its painful, heartbreaking to see how he is slowly destroying his life I love my brother with all my heart it hurts so bad to not have the power to heal him to not have a way of get him out of his misery, its painful .. We have all been there to help him through all this but things don't get any better.. Its really hard to accept the fact that this boy that once was very intelligent and bright now has to live day by day with his mind lost in a place where there's no dreams no future nothing at all... thanks to the poison that is still out there destroying the mind and the body of young lives..

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