Famous Children Poems - Page 3

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  1. 41. The Rainbow

    There are many pretty sights in this world, some of which are manmade, but nothing compares to the beauty found in nature. The beauty of clouds and rainbows cannot be replicated by human hands.

    Famous Poem

    Boats sail on the rivers,
    And ships sail on the seas;
    But clouds that sail across the sky
    Are prettier far than these.


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    My 11-year-old daughter loved this and learned quickly to recite it.

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  3. 42. I'd Love To Be A Fairy's Child

    Robert Graves was an English poet who lived from 1895-1985. He became known as a war poet, and he published three books of poetry while on active duty during World War I. This poem was published the same year the war ended, and it can be felt that Robert Graves was writing about his desire for children to face an easier life, one that’s not filled with so much pain, suffering, and unmet needs.

    Famous Poem

    Children born of fairy stock
    Never need for shirt or frock,
    Never want for food or fire,
    Always get their heart's desire:


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    Very nice poem. It deals with the aspirations of children. Childhood is the stage of innocence, and the present poem describes the same. It's lyrical, rhythmic and rhymed.

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  5. 43. My Shadow

    A child tries to understand the concept of his shadow. He finds it to be a silly companion who doesn’t seem to understand how it ought to act.

    Famous Poem

    I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me,
    And what can be the use of him is more than I can see.
    He is very, very like me from the heels up to the head;
    And I see him jump before me, when I jump into my bed.


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  6. 44. Let Me Out Of The Class

    Some students don’t enjoy being in school. They would like to be practically anywhere else. However, there are still some places that make the classroom not seem so bad. What is worse than being in school? Famous poet Kenn Nesbitt always knows how to make his readers laugh with his humorous children’s poetry.

    Famous Poem

    (sing to the tune of "Take Me Out to the Ball Game")

    Let me out of the classroom.
    Let me out of the school.


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  7. 45. Dandelion

    Nellie M. Garabrant's "Dandelion" is a charmingly whimsical poem that personifies a dandelion throughout its life cycle. It begins with a playful description of the dandelion as a "dandy little fellow" in his golden prime, frolicking through the meadow. However, the poem takes a poignant turn as the dandelion ages, losing its vibrancy and becoming a "poor little baldhead dandy." The poem effectively captures the beauty and transience of life through the lens of a simple flower.

    Famous Poem

    • By Nellie M. Garabrant

    There's a dandy little fellow,
    Who dresses all in yellow,
    In yellow with an overcoat of green;
    With his hair all crisp and curly,


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  8. 46. Friends

    Abbie Farwell Brown was an American author who lived from 1871-1927. While attending the Girls' Latin School, she created a school newspaper, The Jabberwock, which is still being published today. In the poem "Friends," Brown shares that even things in nature can be children's friends, giving them comfort whenever they fear.

    Famous Poem

    How good to lie a little while
    And look up through the tree!
    The Sky is like a kind big smile
    Bent sweetly over me.


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  9. 47. The Fisherman

    Abbie Farwell Brown was an American author who lived from 1871-1927. She lived in the same house her entire life, experiencing many traditions in her New England community. Brown describes the life of a fisherman in this poem, showing how one's profession becomes such a large part of a person's life. The Rhyme Scheme is ABCB.

    Famous Poem

    The fisherman goes out at dawn
    When every one's abed,
    And from the bottom of the sea
    Draws up his daily bread.


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    The way the poet described the life of a fisherman, his continuous effort and sacrifice to stand independent, and the powerful simile used, makes the poem a classic one.

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  10. 48. Candy Andy

    Candy Andy enjoys candy so much that he tries to find any way to get it.

    Famous Poem

    Hello, my name is Andy.
    I’m a fan of eating candy.
    It’s delicious and it’s dandy,
    and my favorite thing to eat.


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  11. 49. Bed In Summer

    Most children have an early bedtime. In the winter it’s not a problem for them to fall asleep, because it gets dark early, but summer makes it difficult. With more daylight, children long to be able to play until the sun dips far below the horizon.

    Famous Poem

    In Winter I get up at night
    And dress by yellow candle light.
    In Summer, quite the other way,
    I have to go to bed by day.


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  12. 50. The Owl And The Pussy-Cat

    The Owl and the Pussycat was first published in 1871 in the book "Nonsense Songs, Stories, Botany and Alphabets", by Edward Lear (1812-1888). Lear played many musical instruments and often performed his poetry with music at social gatherings.

    Famous Poem

    The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea
    In a beautiful pea-green boat,
    They took some honey, and plenty of money,
    Wrapped up in a five-pound note.


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  13. 51. What Is Pink?

    This is a color poem that captures the beauty in the natural world. Color is all around us, from a rose and a poppy to the clouds and sky.

    Famous Poem

    What is pink? A rose is pink
    By the fountain's brink.
    What is red? A poppy's red
    In its barley bed.


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    This was a poem I learned at school in my elocution lessons in the early 1960s. It was recited at the end of term and if deserved, a certificate was awarded. The Covid-19 outbreak means I am...

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  14. 52. Nest Eggs

    Birds flutter and quarrel in the laurel tent, where a brown nest cradles four blue eggs. We watch as the mother diligently keeps them warm, ensuring the safety of her tiny babies. Soon, the eggs will hatch, filling the April woods with joyful songs. The young birds will take flight, while we, older and wiser, continue our earthly journey. Though we may speak wisely, we must accept our limitations, walking while they soar high above in the beech tree's embrace. Stevenson's "Nest Eggs" captures the fleeting beauty of nature and reminds us of the cycles of life.

    Famous Poem

    Birds all the sunny day
    Flutter and quarrel
    Here in the arbour-like
    Tent of the laurel.


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  15. 53. The Tree Outside

    In "The Tree Outside" by Annette Wynne, poetic techniques like personification bring the tree to life. The tree is described as standing "straight and tall" and never resting, creating an image of resilience. The tree's role in protecting the bird nests is highlighted through this personification, emphasizing its loving and caring nature. The poem beautifully captures the enduring strength and kindness of nature, forging a heartfelt connection between the reader and this steadfast tree.

    Famous Poem

    The tree outside stands straight and tall
    And never can lie down at all;
    For if it once should take a rest,
    I fear for each small swinging nest;


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  16. 54. The Little Plant

    "The Little Plant" by Kate Brown is a captivating poem that celebrates the wonder of nature's awakening. Through personification and vivid imagery, the poet takes us on a journey as a dormant seed transforms into a vibrant plant, responding to the calls of sunshine and raindrops. This beautifully crafted piece evokes a sense of life's innate resilience and the magic of growth in the natural world.

    Famous Poem

    • By Kate Brown

    In the heart of a seed,
    Buried deep, so deep,
    A dear little plant
    Lay fast asleep.


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  17. 55. Maggie And Milly And Molly And May

    Just like other poems by E.E. Cummings (1894-1962), standard punctuation and capitalization rules are not followed in this poem. While at the surface, this can be a lighthearted poem about four children playing on the beach, there is a much deeper meaning about who we are as people. Just like the girls in this poem, when we step out into nature, we are bound to find new things and learn new things about ourselves. This poem is lyrical, and the alliteration of each girl’s name beginning with “m” adds to the rhythm.

    Famous Poem

    maggie and milly and molly and may
    went down to the beach(to play one day)

    and maggie discovered a shell that sang


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  18. 56. Springy Sidewalk

    What would happen if a different type of cement were to be used on sidewalks? In this amusing poem by former Children’s Poet Laureate Kenn Nesbitt, we find out the silliness that would be sure to ensue. Kenn Nesbitt’s poems have been used in hundreds of school textbooks around the world.

    Famous Poem

    The people outside on the sidewalk
    can’t seem to remain on the ground.
    They’re jumping and hopping and springing,
    and generally bouncing around.


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  19. 57. Rathers

    Mary Austin was an American writer who lived from 1868-1934. Many of her writing pieces have a natural element, and she was strongly involved in movements to preserve Native American arts and culture. In this poem, Austin shares about animals she would choose to be if she didn't have to be herself, and she gives descriptions of them that are presented in a sing-song tone.

    Famous Poem

    I know very well what I'd rather be
    If I didn't always have to be me!
    I'd rather be an owl,
    A downy feathered owl,


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  20. 58. If I Were King

    “If I Were King” is about a child dreaming of all the things he would do if he were the king. He would run the world differently than other kings by focusing on enjoyment. A.A. Milne started his writing career by writing funny articles for various magazines.

    Famous Poem

    I often wish I were a King,
    And then I could do anything.

    If only I were King of Spain,


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  21. 59. Over In The Meadow

    "Over in the Meadow" is a classic children's poem written by Olive A. Wadsworth. The poem describes the different animals and their young living in their natural habitats, and the interaction between the mothers and their offspring. It is a charming and educational poem that can be enjoyed by children and adults alike

    Famous Poem

    • By Olive A. Wadsworth

    Over in the meadow,
    In the sand, in the sun,
    Lived an old mother toad
    And her little toadie one.


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  22. 60. Each New Little Day Slips Out Of My Hand

    Annette Wynne’s poem "Each New Little Day Slips Out of My Hand" reflects on the fleeting nature of time and the contrasting experiences of good and bad days. Through simple language and a flowing rhyme scheme, Wynne captures the bittersweet cycle of days passing, with good days seeming to vanish quickly and bad days lingering. The poet uses repetition, as in "Each new little day," and imagery of holding and folding days to evoke a sense of longing to preserve joyful moments. The reflective tone and cyclical structure emphasize the inevitability of time’s passage while ending with a hopeful acceptance of each new day.

    Famous Poem

    Each new little day slips out of my hand,
    And then with another new day I stand;
    But soon that is gone and folded away—
    I wish I might keep forever one day!


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