1. Tiny Little Snowflakes
Famous Poem
Tiny little snowflakes,
In the air so high,
Are you little angels,
Floating in the sky?
Poetry offers up a wealth of benefits for children. It fosters a love for language, thereby building literacy. It helps children understand themselves and others, allowing them to cultivate valuable qualities like compassion and empathy. It is also a healthy way for children to express their emotions and deal with emotionally challenging situations. Fortunately, there are many famous poems for children. Poets like A. A. Milne and William Blake wrote many poems for children that can inspire them to find their voice and representation through poetry, even from an early age.
Famous Poem
Tiny little snowflakes,
In the air so high,
Are you little angels,
Floating in the sky?
Famous Poem
It was six men of Indostan,
To learning much inclined,
Who went to see the elephant,
(Though all of them were blind,)
Famous Poem
The sunshine has a pleasant way
Of shining on us all the day,
It makes the little window bright,
And fills the room with pretty light.
Famous Poem
“I cannot go to school today,"
Said little Peggy Ann McKay.
“I have the measles and the mumps,
A gash, a rash and purple bumps.
I routinely skipped school for some reasons that even I couldn't understand at the time. In a thorough medical checkup after 10th grade, my parents realized that I couldn't see well. I...
Famous Poem
I made myself a snowball
As perfect as could be.
I thought I'd keep it as a pet
And let it sleep with me.
I love the humor, innocence and whimsy of this poem. But there's more here than meets the eye. If you look a bit deeper, you can see how we sometimes don't properly interpret our experiences,...
Famous Poem
I cooked my math book in a broth
and stirred it to a steaming froth.
I threw in papers—pencils, too—
to make a pot of homework stew.
I loved this poem because I loved how it said "I sprinkled up my book report". When at the end the teacher said "Your quite a chef but you get a F, I did not say homework stew, I said...
Famous Poem
The coach is at the door at last;
The eager children, mounting fast
And kissing hands, in chorus sing:
Good-bye, good-bye, to everything!
Famous Poem
Underneath my outside face
There's a face that none can see.
A little less smiley,
A little less sure,
What a perfect poem! At times we could basically tell how people were feeling despite their facial expressions. It was in their eyes the tell- tale signs that led us to see at least the...
Famous Poem
Shadows on the wall
Noises down the hall
Life doesn't frighten me at all
I think this is a really good poem because it teaches kids not to give up and hide in the shadows and actually express themselves.
Famous Poem
Have you ever heard of the Sugar-Plum Tree?
'Tis a marvel of great renown!
It blooms on the shore of the Lollypop sea
In the garden of Shut-Eye Town;
Famous Poem
When I was One,
I had just begun.
When I was Two,
I was nearly new.
I remember my dad reading this poem to me when I turned 6! He read many poems and stories to me but this was one of my favorites! Did not realize it was Winnie the Pooh until recently. To...
Famous Poem
I love these days when autumn leaves
Are falling everywhere around,
And I can tread among the sheaves,
And hear the crispy, crunchy sound.
Famous Poem
Up into the cherry tree
Who should climb but little me?
I held the trunk with both my hands
And looked abroad on foreign lands.
Famous Poem
Wynken, Blynken, and Nod one night
Sailed off in a wooden shoe,—
Sailed on a river of crystal light
Into a sea of dew.
Famous Poem
My name is Elaine
and I like to complain.
Complaining is all that I do.
I moan when it’s hot
I hope Elaine learns her lesson! Her story is so silly!
Famous Poem
No one can tell me,
Nobody knows,
Where the wind comes from,
Where the wind goes.
This is beautiful! I love the description, and I will be using this for a presentation. Thank you so much for sharing. This is a question I think everyone has thought about at some point in...
Famous Poem
Come, my little one, with me!
There are wondrous sights to see
As the evening shadows fall;
In your pretty cap and gown,
Hadn't come across this one before. Not quite as good as "Wynken, Blynken and Nod," but excellent for the period and a precursor to more recent sleepy time travel poems and songs.
Famous Poem
Little Boy kneels at the foot of the bed,
Droops on the little hands little gold head.
Hush! Hush! Whisper who dares!
Christopher Robin is saying his prayers.
I also grew up with A.A. Milne and Childcraft books. "Vespers" is a special kind of magic that happens only a very few times in a person's life. When I was [or when we were] very young, the...
Famous Poem
O bird that darts now low, now high,
You know the streets across the sky;
You know where leafy lanes lie deep
And quiet nooks to go to sleep;
Famous Poem
The mountain and the squirrel
Had a quarrel,
And the former called the latter
"Little prig."
I read this poem in 1965 when I carried a paperback book of poems in my backpack when an infantry soldier in Vietnam. We, the infantry group in which I served, were such a collection of...