1. Attached As Could Be
Just a baby girl
Attached as could be
You showed me the world
Through my curiosity
Grandchildren are said to be all play and no work. Send em' home when they get cranky, is how the saying goes. However, grandparent's should not miss out on the opportunity presented to them. They are not expected to discipline their grandchildren and this opens up an avenue for a different kind of relationship. Grandchildren often rely on their grandparents when thing are tense at home. Parents often rely on their parents to help raise their children in this confusing and complex world. Grandparents would do well not to squander the opportunity given to them.
Just a baby girl
Attached as could be
You showed me the world
Through my curiosity
Getting the grandkids
For the weekend
Starts out sweet and calm
Soon it turns to chaos
I remember it well! You've summed it all up beautifully. I must look up more of your poetry. Best wishes, Ann D Stevenson
You came to us as a Princess
A pretty Granddaughter baby girl
So full of love and laughter
A sparkling diamond in this world
When God was making our granddaughter,
He thought, "What can I do
To create a perfect little girl
To make a grandma's dream come true?"
This is the perfect poem. My granddaughter is Madison and almost 7 and has blue eyes...I could've sworn this poem was made for My Madison. Awesome
I'm here, my precious grandchild.
Come, climb upon my knee.
You are my little love.
You mean the world to me.
When parents are busy, grandparents have time for grandchildren. If grandchildren understand them, they will not suffer from loneliness in their old age.
Sometimes I really do wonder,
Why they are called grand?
Then I know a loving grandmother
Can always fully understand.
This for my son and daughter. I have watched you grow through the years from tiny babies to loving parents of your own. You have brought laughter and tears and sleepless nights sitting with...
I gaze through the window pane,
At the freshly mown lawn.
The deep green color
Takes me back to a day gone by.
By the time you read this, you will be a big boy.
I know you will be kind, funny, wise, sensitive, interesting, and a ball of fire!
Your parents are all of these things.
I know you will be strong and a wonderful hugger.
I have a grandson I have seen once when he was 3, he is soon to be 10. He has an older sister and the last time I saw her she was 4.
My son and I always had a good relationship until he...
God said, "I have something special for you.
I thought I would send one, but I just sent two."
Grandaughters they be, and it's really nice.
Heart felt sweet kindness, sentiments of a father first, a grandads joys is something that nothing in this world can compare. Yet grandma's could supersede by ways of more milk & cookies.
Two little boys they used to be,
one was seven the other was three.
They were always with one another day after day,
Ah! My granddaughter! My joy.
She lightens my load.
She's like a new toy.
She smiles at me, ever so slightly.
Being a mom takes everything you have to be a good mom. Surprise, every day you do it. Every day you're proud. Each day turns into years. You are much too dedicated to realize it. Now you are...
There's someone knocking at my door
Then little feet across my floor
I wonder then
Who can it be?
Grandad, grandad! Come and see!
My little Rosie says to me
I've made a den where I can hide
And keep my dollies safe inside
When I peeked out the window,
there was my little man,
my grandson stood there
with flowers in his hand.
Just been enjoying this poem, so I then went on to read some of your other poems - I loved the one about forgetfulness. Like you, I really enjoy being a part of Family Friends with the...