Grandchildren Poem

Poem About The Bond Between Grandparent And Grandchild

"Precious Grandchild" is dedicated to all the grandparents who supply unconditional love and give their precious grandchildren a soft place to land.

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When parents are busy, grandparents have time for grandchildren. If grandchildren understand them, they will not suffer from loneliness in their old age.

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Precious Grandchild

© more by Annette R. Hershey

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2018 with permission of the Author.

I'm here, my precious grandchild.
Come, climb upon my knee.
You are my little love.
You mean the world to me.
I see your little hands
wipe away the tears.
I want to hold you tight
and chase away your fears.
I'm here, my precious grandchild.
Please, you can talk to me.
I love you much deeper
than the depths of the sea.
I know you are hurting.
I hear your silent cry.
I need to scream for you,
to help you breathe and sigh.
I'm here, my precious grandchild.
Come, walk outside with me.
Never stop looking up.
Keep dreaming to be free.
Promise to never lose hope.
Some things you will never know.
There will be ups and downs.
Stand, rise above the low.
I'm here, my precious grandchild.
Please, confront your pain.
After you brave the storm,
comes the cleansing rain.


more by Annette R. Hershey

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  • Kumari Weerasooriya by Kumari Weerasooriya
  • 5 years ago

When parents are busy, grandparents have time for grandchildren. If grandchildren understand them, they will not suffer from loneliness in their old age.

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