41. Ode To The Step-Dad
Although you're not my birth dad,
You've loved me since I was small,
The road has not always been easy.
Although you're not my birth dad,
You've loved me since I was small,
The road has not always been easy.
There once was a daddy who had only girls.
He was very special indeed.
For as some daddies eternally yearn for a son,
This daddy could not see the need.
My father's love never places judgment on me,
his love comes unconditional and unselfishly.
For all the things you've done to show how much you care,
I am so glad to have stumbled upon this poem. In my moment of grief, this has given me the strength to strive to be a dad like this for my two daughters. Many thanks and much love.
Though you're not his father as far as bloodlines go,
You are the only daddy this child will ever know.
You've held his hand and guided his path,
Creating a bond that forever will last.
A real dad is someone who sticks around to care for you. A biological dad is there when you’re born. I have a real dad now, and I am proud to call him my father.
The day will come when it's time to go,
but first there are a few things I would like you to know.
You're the strongest man I ever knew,
and the one I've always looked up to.
I remember my dad waking me up at 4 o'clock.
Barely getting up with my eyes half shut,
Getting ready and packing up dad's truck,
Hoping to catch some fish down at the dock.
You are the one who held me tight,
Rocked my cradle all through night,
Cuddled me dearly when I was in fright.
Oh Pa, you will always be my shining knight.
Muddy boots and overalls, he stood about six two
He was a country bumpkin; hard work was what he knew
A carpenter, a roofer, a jack of many trades
Countless hours of hard labor with not much time to play
I need you now.
Please take me by the hand.
Stand by in my hour of need,
Take time to understand.
My wife wanted a divorce and in the wake were our children. I have a girlfriend with two kids. My daughter thinks I've replaced her and her brother with them...but I could never replace them....
I remember the times
You'd flip me onto your shoulder
Freefalling skyward
Taller, older
This poem so reminds me of the relationship my Daddy and I had. He had a major surgery in 1971 and because of that and the effects of the anesthesia, his decline began. It took a while for us...
Daddy, can you hear me up there in heaven,
Way up high?
Are you an angel? Do you have wings?
And can you really fly?
Very touching poem. This brought tears to my eyes. We have to believe that Love can transcend death and our loved ones are right there with us in just a different way, but it's so hard to...
Famous Poem
Sundays too my father got up early
and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold,
then with cracked hands that ached
from labor in the weekday weather made
I can remember the first time that I
saw your smiling face,
I held you close to my heart, you could
probably hear it race.
Wow!!!!!! A beautiful poem :D I love it, it's so touching
Being a father to a son
brings a man's heart so much joy.
You can't imagine your world
without this wonderful little boy.
Fathers, daughters, a timeless bond
Vaster than oceans, tranquil as ponds
My FATHER is gone
I lost my dad 9 months ago now and it is still hard for me to come to terms with the loss. This poem has given me great comfort especially as it is the first Christmas without him.
Socks glide across the kitchen floor,
Arms spin me around once more.
Best time I ever had,
Was dancing with my Dad.
Famous Poem
You do not do, you do not do
Any more, black shoe
In which I have lived like a foot
For thirty years, poor and white,
Brightly-lit eyes speak to me,
Of all that your little heart wants to be.
With lots of excitement and warm tenderness
Come hold my hand, my darling princess.
He doesn't care if he's a movie star
or the best athlete to be had,
not even a millionaire trader,
he just wants his dad.
Thank you for your kind words. I hope this poem will express the importance of a father's role.
The fears of a father in this world are not few.
Over time they may shift in their shape, shade, or hue,
But the one that keeps calling, keeps knocking my door,
"What happens when she doesn't need me anymore?"
You are so right to value the time you have together now - I cannot believe how quickly time has fled. However, I look back and feel blessed for such treasured memories. Very best wishes, Ann.