Father Poem

My Father Was A Hardworking Man

This is a poem I wrote about my dad. He went on to be with the Lord a few years ago. Being it's close to Father's Day, I wanted to find time to write about the man who raised me. He is a big part of who I am today.

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He's My Dad

Jac Judy A. Campbell © more by Jac Judy A. Campbell

Published by Family Friend Poems June 2021 with permission of the Author.

Muddy boots and overalls, he stood about six two
He was a country bumpkin; hard work was what he knew
A carpenter, a roofer, a jack of many trades
Countless hours of hard labor with not much time to play
He was my mother's husband, the father of us five
He raised a crew of workers with a loving, spirited wife
A strong voice in our raising, a firm hand when in need
Just tiny tots through growing years he taught us to behave
He was a proud and simple guy, content with what he had
He strived to build a better life for his children and his wife
He taught me responsibility and to stand on my own two feet
Hold strong to what I believed in and always face defeat
He said owe no man nothing and always pay what's due
And we should love everybody but only trust a few
He wasn't much on chit chat; his words were few and far between
A deep and silent thinker, his thoughts were plans and dreams
His heart was kind and thoughtful, a humanitarian he came to be
His generous nature of giving a helper to those in need
But most important, what matters most
He was Dad to me



Jac Judy A. Campbell is a poet by heart and a writer by nature, and she is thrilled to be able to share part of herself that others will enjoy. She reads a lot of good books and loves arts and crafts, sewing, crocheting, cooking, and growing a garden. She is happily married, takes care of her husband, and enjoys her children and...

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