1. My Lost Love - My Lost Child
I wonder what you're doing
and how you're living life.
What new things did you learn today
and how did you sleep last night?
It is an unfortunate fact that divorce has become commonplace in our society. The pain and anguish this is created in a divorce has a ripple effect on the family unit. Often family members are confused as how to act around the now divorced couple. Children are often used as pawns between their father and mother. Each one may try to gain the upper hand in the battle for their children's affection. Getting divorced may be necessary in cases when a relationship cannot be salvaged. However, the couple should keep in mind that the entire family unit will be affected by a divorce.
I wonder what you're doing
and how you're living life.
What new things did you learn today
and how did you sleep last night?
I know God sees us through our trials, and sometimes we never know why. I want to share my story of hope! I was a teacher and I worked in the inner city. I've seen a ton of kids go through...
When I was only two years old,
My daddy went away.
He swore he'd always love me,
But he said he couldn't stay.
I am so touched by the poem Why Did I Lose My Dad. I am a single father raising two kids, a 14 year old boy and a six year girl. I stay with a boy, and the girl stays with the grandmother of...
I never thought this day would come.
I truly thought you were the one.
We used to laugh and talk all night.
Now we argue, fuss, and fight.
Wow the poem really touched me especially the introduction part: I'm leaving still loving you instead of staying and hating you. The poem is very simple easy to analyze I'm going to use this...
As I sit alone in my room tonight,
It sure is a change from the same old fight.
I want to be held and loved tonight,
To share all my dreams with the man who lost sight.
Very touching and so sad as well. May Almighty God guide you wherever you are and you go according to His will.
Can you tuck me into bed, Mama?
Don't forget to kiss me goodnight.
Can you tell me a story, Mama,
Before you turn out the lights?
My family lives together, but my son sacrifices. We live in a 2 bedroom apartment: dad in the living room, him in his room, me in my room. We aren't happy anymore, and my son senses it. We...
This is my life:
My parents are split up.
I can't believe they gave up.
I love this poem and relate to it very much! I'm using it for a class presentation. After my parents got divorced, God blessed me with the best bonus mom ever! She even feels like my own. My...
I sit alone here every day,
Thinking of the child you took away.
She was my heart, she was my soul.
She was the thing that made me whole.
It is so hard to gracefully find words to express this deep grief that overwhelms and has no mercy. Every day without your child, or in my case 3 daughters, only gets harder and harder. It is...
I used to watch you run and play,
those were our best times together.
I always tucked you in at night,
I love this poem. Thank you for writing it. I am a father of 4 beautiful children. They are living with their mother about 3 hours away. I haven't seen them since May of 2015. I used to talk...
Broken dreams
Turning into silent screams.
Listening to the loud noise.
Oh boy, how it destroys
This is a great poem. The flow goes uninterruptedly, and I wish it would go on and on. Good poem.
When resentment and offense
Invade the very crevices of your heart
It burns fierce like sulfur
As it forces love to depart.
I am glad I found a good poem about forgiveness here on this site when looking up poetry for "I miss my daughter." It's so good and supportive to have good, wholesome poetry accessible on one...
He tells you all his secrets,
he tells you all his lies....
He calls you on the phone,
he has you hypnotized....
He cheated again after got caught cheating with a close family member years ago. He has cheated and I've been oblivious. I stay because our lifestyle is comfortable and because I was married...
I know you say you love me,
But you don't see
How this breaks my heart,
Since we are now apart.
Buddy, I feel your pain. Obviously, reading divorce poems... I too was married for 16 years with two children. Oh how I wish I could have made her feel more love. She's gone now and I...
What is in the best interest of the child
Parents fighting in the home
When one decides to roam
Parents fighting when they split
I am so sorry for what your going through! I know exactly how you feel. I'm going through the same thing right now except I got my kids taken away because I was in and out of the hospital...
I lay here and think of how pretty you are
Daddy's little angel shines like a star
I'm sorry this happened to your little heart
That Mommy and Daddy had to split apart
My parents split before I was born. My dad came back when I was two just to leave again. This is so true though. Just because parents split doesn't mean they don't love you.
As we sit here in silence, no longer husband and wife
I can't forget the vow I made to love you all my life...
Our last walk down memory lane fills my eyes with tears
As I find us walking hand in hand in our high school years.
God loves you. You are one of his greatest assets. People may leave, but not God. Your family will return and you’ll live the happiest life. You and your family are in our prayers, John.
Admiring her beauty
When we first met
Her blond hair and body
I just wanted to get
Daddy says he loves me, but he doesn't really mean it
Mommy says she cares, but I'm not dumb enough to believe it
They both just want the money that comes with the child
Don't you want me?
I married a man too early in life
and wasn't prepared to be a good wife.
I believed he loved me and things would be fine.
My love for him would grow over time.
To my so sweet babies,
Who suffer through this most,
I am so very sorry
You must read this in a post.
I look out the window and what do I see?
Except for a better version of me?
He did the right where I did the wrong
So, I'm the one that wrote this song
My dad left me all alone and I never see him at all. People say that divorce is hard and they have no possible idea.