41. Heaven's Not That Far
I have no words that can express
How much love I have for you.
You taught me everything I know,
Through the years as I grew.
I have no words that can express
How much love I have for you.
You taught me everything I know,
Through the years as I grew.
The moment I heard the news that day,
My heart sunk and my soul ached.
It just felt so unreal to me.
It couldn't be right; how could it be?
I wrap my mouth to shut in the sound.
I cry so much, so deep, so profound.
I cannot comprehend that you are gone,
I didn't leave you alone, Dad.
I stayed close to your bedside.
I held your hand and talked to you.
You were waiting to join your bride.
No presents bought, no candles blown; this year you walk on streets of gold,
And it's so much more than the stories you've been told.
The sun is shining on your face,
Life can change in a single breath.
Life can be crushed when we are faced with death.
It tears families apart,
Today is the day
You've waited for so long.
Oh how we wish this was a dream.
Yesterday you seemed so strong.
Famous Poem
Father and I were gypsies.―
We tried to lose our way
Among the woodland mystery,
When we'd a holiday.
Another day slips on by
Spent sadly wondering why
If only we could rewind the clanging chimes
From the slowly turning hands of time