Loss of Father Poem

Poem Helping My Niece Cope With The Loss Of Her Father

My brother died suddenly from cancer about 4 years ago, and the loss has had a large impact on all of us. I live far away, so I'm unable to visit to talk with his children. So, I wrote this poem to help them cope. They are in their 20s now.

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Hands Of Time


Published by Family Friend Poems March 4, 2024 with permission of the Author.

Another day slips on by
Spent sadly wondering why
If only we could rewind the clanging chimes
From the slowly turning hands of time

It seems like only yesterday
We were happily on our way
Dreaming dreams of things to come
Daily marching to the beat of drums
But now we make a daily climb
Wishing we could turn back the hands of time

Some nights we watch as dusk greets dawn
So lonely now that you have gone
We pass the evening sipping wine
Beaten down by the hands of time

They say the grief will pass one day
I don't know, seems like it's here to stay
I smile as I remember you in your prime
Before you were taken by the hands of time

I dial your number
But no one's there
Another day has slowly slid by
Wishing I could rewind
Those lethal hands of time


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