Famous Death Poem

Ruby Archer's "Father and I" is a poignant reflection on the enduring bond between a daughter and her father. The poem evokes a sense of idyllic childhood, filled with shared adventures in nature. The speaker recalls a time of innocent joy, exploring the world hand-in-hand with her father. The loss of this companionship is keenly felt in the latter part of the poem, as the speaker's solitary wanderings in the woods are tinged with a profound sense of loneliness. The poem beautifully captures the bittersweet nature of memory and the enduring impact of a loving father-daughter relationship.

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Famous Poem

Father And I

By more Ruby Archer

Father and I were gypsies.―
    We tried to lose our way
Among the woodland mystery,
    When we'd a holiday.

My hand about his finger,
    We followed brook and dell.
No need to voice our ecstasy―
    The robins told it well.

His love I took for granted,
    Owned every dear caress,
Nor dreame'd of how a little girl
    Would feel when fatherless.

Now I, poor lonely gypsey,
    Roam wood and hill and blue;
But no one loves them all with me
    As Father used to do.


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