Loss of Father Poem

The Pain Of Losing A Father

It's been two years, and it feels like two minutes. The only things that have changed are you are gone and I'm acting. I put on a smile. I carry on, but inside I'm so lost. I miss you more than I knew I would.

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Forever And Always

Sandra Hearth © more by Sandra Hearth

Published by Family Friend Poems June 2021 with permission of the Author.

Life can change in a single breath.
Life can be crushed when we are faced with death.

It tears families apart,
It reaches in and pulls out your heart.

It leaves it hollow, cold and dark,
Shreds your life, leaves it stark!

Time stands still and the road has no end.
The hurt you feel, no one can mend.

Your loss is beyond understanding,
And great sadness is all that it will bring.

Taken away, forever, never to return,
It's a life lesson we all one day must learn.

I miss my dad every single day.
I wipe away my tears as I fall to pray

For this pain to please pack its bag and leave.
I can't cope and I hate that I must grieve.

He's gone and my heart is lost.
It is cold, icy, and covered in frost.

Time does not stop this hell.
It's not good to remember or to dwell.

Even if I scream and shout and cry myself to sleep,
Death still holds you tight, forever to keep.

I've lost you, never to hear your voice.
This was never your or our choice.

Sometimes it's better to close off from the pain.
Sometimes it's better to just stand in the rain.

No matter what you do or say,
Death will always find its way.

But here within my heart you're there.
No one can take that; just let them try if they dare!

I miss you every single day, it's true.
Forever and always, I will love you.



I love writing ...funny, sad, happy, whatever I'm feeling.
It's a joy and I can leave behind all the noise of this world and go to places that make me feel, sometimes I cry, sometimes I laugh.
It's therapeutic a lot ot of the time, life's journey can take us to places we didn't choose and writing helps me heal.

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