Love Poem by Teens

The Power Of Love Poem

I did not believe in love, as I was rejected by a guy who I so called 'love'. I thought guys only love the appearance of girl. But after I met him, he touched my heart.

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I'm 15 I'm in Burlington WV in a placement and I meet this boy named Dillon. I meet him my first day and I knew that I wanted to be with him. I didn't think that he liked me so I started...

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You're Mine


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

You're the world to me
In fact
You're mine.
Only your kiss could allow me to
Paint the seven colors in the black and white world.
Only your hug could make me
Feel warm and safe in the lonely world.
Only your voice could let me
Get out of my nightmares.
Only you
That could make me feel ...
What is called True Love.


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  • Rating 4.30
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Destiny by Destiny
  • 11 years ago

I'm 15 I'm in Burlington WV in a placement and I meet this boy named Dillon. I meet him my first day and I knew that I wanted to be with him. I didn't think that he liked me so I started flirting with a boy named Willis. Well after school Dillon called me a fake. I got mad and didn't talk to him for like a week well I realized that I really liked him and I wanted to get back together with him but he was dating a girl named Lizzy so I had to forget all about him. Well 3 or 4 weeks later Logan and I start dating for 3 months then me and Dillon started talking and I broke up with Logan for Dillon and he broke up with Lizzy for me and we have been together ever since. I'm in love with him but he doesn't think that I love him even though I do. He's my life.

  • Briana by Briana, Nv
  • 14 years ago

This is exactly how I feel right now! My boyfriend and I have been dating for only about a week and a few days and it seems like we've been dating forever. I'm not in love with him, but I do have strong feelings and this described them(:

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