Love Poem by Teens

The Power Of Love Lifts Us Up Poem

This poem is about wanting to be set free with love, about learning to love after you've been hurt countless times, learning to just let your emotions take you over, which is a beautiful thing.

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I have a problem, my friend and I went to prom together and it was great. There were no problem. I can't tell if she likes me or not though. I feel like she does but I keep hearing rumors...

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You Take Me High


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2013 with permission of the Author.

Take me away from here
Let our emotions flow
Take me away from here
To a place where no one knows

When I thought that no one cared
That's when I found you there
You made me realize that there's nothing for us to lose
Only to gain, you made me aware

One kiss is all I'm needing
To take away my pain
To stop my heart from bleeding
To take away the strain

You could be my savior
In these dark and desolate times
Baby, give me wings
Wings so I can fly

You lift me up when I'm feeling down
Your kiss sends me high
High above the ground
Looking down upon the creation
Of the love that we've found
'Cause baby you could save me
Save me this time around

Your voice is like a soft sweet melody
You're the song within my heart
A beautiful rhythmic song
That's how I know that we belong

Just whisper to me softly, the words I need to hear
You could be the remedy to this damaged heart of mine
And I'll give to you, give you all of my love
It's yours for the taking, it could send you high above

'Cause I could lift you up
My love could send you high
High above the ground
No drug could make you higher
Than our love could


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  • Branden by Branden
  • 10 years ago

I have a problem, my friend and I went to prom together and it was great. There were no problem. I can't tell if she likes me or not though. I feel like she does but I keep hearing rumors about someone else but there's no proof. What do I need to do?

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