Growing Up Poem by Teens

I wrote this in the summer of 2009 because I felt like no one really knew who I was. They only knew who I was pretending to be.

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Myself: For those of you who think you can't be yourself.... YOU CAN!!!! Ignore popularity! If your friends really like you then they will accept the real you.... I just moved and I used...

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Who I Am

© more by Emmi Hayes

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2009 with permission of the Author.

I am the girl
Standing in the rain
Wishing they understood

I am the teen
Who thinks she knows it all
And wishing that she could

I am the cutter
With the blade at my skin
Wishing the pain could subside

I am the friend
With all the advice
Wishing to live life

I am the heart breaker
With the guilt on my shoulders
Wishing he was here to hold me

I am
The girl
The teen
The cutter
The friend
The heart breaker
Wishing, wanting
To be set free


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  • Seewa Seal by Seewa Seal
  • 13 years ago

For those of you who think you can't be yourself.... YOU CAN!!!!

Ignore popularity! If your friends really like you then they will accept the real you....
I just moved and I used to be myself. I wasn't the most popular girl but everyone liked me.... I was able to tell who my real friends were because they didn't ditch me because they wanted to be popular.
Now that I have moved I've become a popular drone....I am not the outgoing funny girl I used to be, I'm this boring popular drone but I am determined to be free again!!!!

  • Cabrey by Cabrey
  • 14 years ago

hey I know exactly how you feel, I'm miss popular at school, I gotta be perfect all the time. popularity (gosh I hate that word) puts so much pressure on my life, everyone has such high expectations that you're expected to live up to, you can NEVER be yourself, or do anything you like because it's declared uncool. lol I know some people might think this is cliché' and that I'm complaining over what some people dream of being but I can never be me. few people know who I really am but others only know who I'm pretending to be, they don't know my pain, I mean I'm a cutter who tries to stop, I have so much pain inside but I can never show I just have to hide it, so popular or not life sucks when you can never be who YOU want to be!!!!

  • Hannah by Hannah
  • 15 years ago

I know exactly how you feel. I get treated like crap at school and am the outcast and don't fit in with ANYONE. No matter how hard people try to understand. . . They just don't.

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