Growing Up Poem by Teens

Poem On The Impact Of Bullying

The story behind this poem is that high school can do terrible things to a teenage girl. When the girl was younger, she was happy and free thinking, and as she got older, she started experiencing the hateful truth about friends and boys. My inspiration for this poem comes from my own experiences of being a teenager, and I think that girls could relate to the way the poem is written.

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This poem was able to help me do songwriting for the first time. The words are relatable and really flow nicely. "Little Girls Have to Grow Up" is the best poem I have ever heard. I'm not a...

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Little Girls Have To Grow Up

Brianna E. Cornman © more by Brianna E. Cornman

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2016 with permission of the Author.

There once was a little girl.
She was sweet, and in dresses she liked to twirl.
Everywhere she went,
She left her footprint.
Her smile was almost contagious,
And the amount of love she received was outrageous.

But the little girl then grew up.
And her tea wasn't as easily in her cup.
She didn't have the greatest luck,
And truly it's because people suck.
As a teenager, she lost friends.
Mostly because high school comes with ends.

But people called her names,
And boys played with her heart like a string of games.
But don't let this information fool you.
She could still be herself if she wanted to.
Some days she could try on her dresses like when she was a little girl,
And she could stand in front of her mirror to watch herself twirl.

Even though she had gotten older,
And thought that years going by had destroyed her,
She was wrong; she could still be sweet.
She still left a footprint with each of her feet.
She could still make herself crack that contagious smile.
And her being on this Earth was worthwhile.

But because of the names
And the games,
She didn't see that.
She just thought she was being walked on more than a dirty door mat.
She was lost, and people didn't seem to see
That words hurt, and that little girl was me.


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  • Paige by Paige
  • 5 years ago

This poem was able to help me do songwriting for the first time. The words are relatable and really flow nicely. "Little Girls Have to Grow Up" is the best poem I have ever heard. I'm not a poetry person, yet I found myself connecting to every single word. Every time I read/sing this, I find more meaning. It was written so well and deserves more attention than it currently has. Please take the time to read and connect to these gorgeous words!

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