I'm getting older now,
No longer a child,
Not yet an adult,
But a girl trying to carve a path for herself
I'm learning to make my own choices,
Molding a future with my bare hands,
Learning how to step out,
Despite the shaky ground.
I no longer need to be held tight in your embrace
But crave an independence,
One that lets me explore my hunger for this world,
A world full of hidden meanings.
But sometimes I fall,
As I struggle to take in the world before me,
Overwhelmed by the bigger picture
The adulthood that lies ahead.
And it must be hard for you to accept
That I'm building a life for myself,
Making mistakes that you cannot cure,
Choices you never dreamed I'd make.
Wow, this poem is amazing! Growing up can be very scary and unpredictable, but it has to be done. I think the unknown of it makes it so beautiful.
Seeking Adulthood
Published by Family Friend Poems March 2011 with permission of the Author.