Change Poem

I wrote this when I was trying to figure out who I am.

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This is a great poem. It makes complete sense to me. I was writing a song once and one line says, "How am I supposed to be myself when I don't know who I am?" so this hit home.

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Who Am I?

© more by Miranda S

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2008 with permission of the Author.

Who am I?
What is the real reason to why I cry?
I'm having trouble opening up

My mind is at a loss
I don't move, so I'm getting covered in moss
But it doesn't grow the right way
I thought it was supposed to show you the way

I just want to get home
Where I can be alone
I'm sick of feeling closed in
I'm not an animal you can put in a pen

I need to be free
So I can see all I can see
I don't want to be locked up

I want to come to my senses
I remember everything he mentions
Yet I don't know me
That's who I can't see

It seems so simple
But that can't be
'Cause if is were so
I'd know where to go

I don't know who to go to
I need to talk it through
But they can't know me
And they can't see

I can't find them
How can this be


more by Miranda S

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  • 8 years ago

This is a great poem. It makes complete sense to me. I was writing a song once and one line says, "How am I supposed to be myself when I don't know who I am?" so this hit home.

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