Depression Poem

Waves Of Depression

When you are depressed, you are often inundated by waves of sadness. Unfortunately, you never know when the next wave will come.

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© more by Zorian Alexis

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2019 with permission of the Author.

I was just sitting there,
Watching TV,
When a wave of sadness
Washed over me.

There was no warning;
It just showed up.
I tried to swim through it
But had no luck.

My heart was heavy,
And I started to cry.
I just couldn't stop,
And I didn't know why.

I finally gave up fighting
And went with the flow,
Praying the sadness
Would soon go.

I walked down the aisle
Of the grocery store
When another wave of sadness
Pulled me from the shore.

I couldn't stay there,
Not one second more,
So I just left my cart
And headed to the door.

I sat in my car
And started to cry.
I just couldn't stop,
And I didn't know why.

What's wrong with me?
I need to know.
My soul is drowning
With each ebb and flow.

I never know when
The next wave will arrive.
It makes me question
Why I'm still alive.

Is there someone out there
Who can help build me a boat?
So when the next wave comes
I can stay afloat.

Or will I eventually drown
And never awake,
Enveloped by the next wave
Of endless heartache?


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