Mental Illness Poem

Poem About Trichotillomania

I just kind of wrote this starting off on my Trichotillomania and how it's more than just pulling out hair then I just kind of ran with that into idk. comments and rating would be nice though!
I wanna hear what it make YOU feel!

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Inside An Addiction


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2011 with permission of the Author.

What I feel they may never understand,
it's not like its difficult or hard to comprehend.

But it's what lies behind my every pull,
I've done it so much sometimes I don't even know.

Where'd it all go wrong,
God curse that day.
Little did I know it would take my everything away.

My love, my joy, my truth, my hope,
the day I began you, I blindly signed that oath.
The oath that strangles and tears me apart,
ripping piece by piece, till there's nothing but my heart.

The heart that feels every single thing, no mouth to use,
nothing but sting.

When people look at me, what do they see?
a girl? a friend? a masterpiece?

Knitted together with letdowns and lies,
hiding inside feelings continue to rise.

But my! that masterpiece, look but do not touch!
You can care about the outside,
but isn't that enough?

Well no one likes and undercover mess,
so I just stay right here...
and try to live my 'best'.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Rere by Rere, West Virginia
  • 11 years ago

Oh wow this really explains me. Thank you so much for this wonderful poem. It has helped me a lot.

  • Morgan by Morgan, Fl
  • 12 years ago

Hiya I loved this its really well written and I also have Trichotillomania

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