Sister Death Poem

Until We Meet Again

This was written by me for my sister Nancy

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This poem instantly sent me to tears. The poem sends me to a place I try to often forget. A month ago, even though she was not my sister, she was a very close friend. She meant a heck of a...

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Published by Family Friend Poems November 2011 with permission of the Author.

     Today I walked down memory lane to days of that, Our youth
     I walked through our childhood and boy, was that a hoot
          Our many shows and dances, our secrets never told
          Continued on this trip today into our teens
        I arose and laughter shook what's left of my very soul
     Kept going and not far away were soon to be our graduation days
     Our paths soon led us to adulthood, where many days were spent
     Our mother and new babies kept us busy to all ends
     So glad we had those moments that no one will ever know
             For I will treasure them wherever I may go
      Until we meet, My sister, stay sweet and pure of soul
      For you were and will always be the light within my soul
      Those pinky swears and double dares will see me through the end
       I will always love you, Until we meet again


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  • Laurel by Laurel, Md
  • 11 years ago

This poem instantly sent me to tears. The poem sends me to a place I try to often forget. A month ago, even though she was not my sister, she was a very close friend. She meant a heck of a lot to me, my Babygirl Lauryn took her own life. The pain I felt and still feel today is very heavy on my heart. I look back and think of all the things I should've said and done. The sorrow I feel, seems to amount to the same sorrow a mother would feel after loosing her child. I wish and pray every night for another day to spend with her. Another day to let her know how much I love her and cherish her, how much she mean to all of us. But the more the list goes on of the things I would like to tell her, reality quickly strikes that I have no more time left to spend with her. I miss her so very much, each day it seems to get worse.. I try so many methods to move on but it's so hard, but I live off the memories we've made. This poem speaks on how I feel at the moment. Until we meet again Lauryn

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