Prison Poem

Poem About Coming Home From Prison

This is a poem I will be sending to my son as he nears the end of a prison sentence. It's really a sequel to "Too Young for Bars," the poem I wrote when my son was first sent away.

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I was very touched. My son is also in prison for a stupid incident because of his ex-wife of 20 years and his best friend. He is nearing time for parole. He has nearly spent 4 years of an...

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End Of A Journey


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2011 with permission of the Author.

The end of your journey is now in sight,
And from the darkness you can now see light.
I know it's been tough, but I'm hoping you know,
From that hard bitter lesson, "You reap what you sow".

I wrote a letter each week all through the years
To try and dispel your earlier fears
That friends would forget you, never want you again,
And I know it happened...wish I could spare you the pain.

For those who forsook you, give them no thought.
They were never true friends and never your sort.
Start a new life, you've gone from "boy to a man,"
And you know I will help you as much as I can.

But you're coming home stronger and wiser, I feel.
All your heartaches and heartbreaks will eventually heal.
You have a young son who will need you each day,
And I know you will love him in the best possible way.

It's going to be hard, I'll not lie to you,
But manners and humility will see you through,
Do not be afraid to ask for advice,
That's what I'm here for and "cheap at the price."

Temptations will come, but it's time to be strong,
Just remember the first time and what you did wrong.
Do you really want to be locked up again?
And put friends and loved ones through more terrible pain?

I am not so religious as I really should be.
I only pray in an emergency,
But He'll answer my prayers and those of my friend,
And see your life through to a fruitful end.

Just want you to know, Son, I will always be here,
I will never forsake you, I love you so dear.
One day I will be gone, but these words will remain,
And if ever in doubt, please read them again.

Love, Dad xxxx


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Happy But Sad by Happy But Sad
  • 7 years ago

I have a son that is 38 years old. He's been in prison since 2004 for manslaughter (which he didn't do). He was at the wrong place at the wrong time. They gave him 16 years. We hope that he will be coming home in the next year to year and a half, since his time in prison he missed his father in 2011 and his grandfather passed away a year later in 2012, which was more of a father to him, so as you can see his been to hell and back. His father passed away from Hepatitis, and I just found out about 9 months ago that my son has been using Heroin as well since the passing of his father. This is killing me. My heart is in tiny pieces. I cry myself to sleep almost every night.

  • Earline Goethe by Earline Goethe
  • 8 years ago

I was very touched. My son is also in prison for a stupid incident because of his ex-wife of 20 years and his best friend. He is nearing time for parole. He has nearly spent 4 years of an eight year sentence. He also has a little son he was 2 1/2 years when his Daddy went away. We have taken him to see his Daddy for almost 4 years. His so called friends have vanished and are nowhere around (that I'm glad of). He has been baptized into Christ and has changed his ways. He is a good man and was never in trouble in his life until this incident. I pray every night and day for my son. I, too, write poems, and yours just was so like my son. I pray for you. We may not be here when he comes home. My husband is 80 and not in good health. I'm 72 and in fair health. This has taken a toll on our lives. If the Lord be willing, he will be home around July of 2018.
Earline Goethe

  • Bonnie Barr by Bonnie Barr
  • 8 years ago

I am so sorry. I feel bad for you and your husband and your son. I pray something works out for you. My 29 year old son is driving me crazy and due to come home in a few days before is sentencing March 7th, 2017. He is a good young man, but he will drink alcohol a few times a month and is a crazy person. He lives with me. I am divorced. My husband, his father, passed away years ago, so I mainly have been his only support. But I have had to get a protection of order against him because of his drinking and I have let him still live with me because he has nowhere to go. And he works. Now I had called the police again because of his drinking and so he has violated the protection order twice now. I know I am to blame also for letting him live here. So financially everything is a problem. I'm 62, work a full time and part time job and am at my wits end, for he will be here soon. He has got to move. I am so stressed it's killing me. He doesn't make a lot of money. Everyone feels bad for me but ??

  • Isabella  Shaver Deese by Isabella Shaver Deese
  • 8 years ago

I was so amazed by this most beautiful baby boy of mine, so full of life and joy. My baby grew up now. In his teens my precious teen struggled through life. His dad was nowhere to be found. We divorced, and when my son turned 18, he gave up on him, just walked out of his life, which made this huge hole in his heart. My son’s in prison for a lesson he will learn for mistakes he made. I’m lost without him. He’s my baby my son, my best friend. I write him every day and give him the courage and strength he needs. He has friends who pushed him away and distanced from him. Family has done the same. I told them they were no friends of his. A friend is a true person that will always stay by your side, same as family. I have always been there for him. I will never leave him, no matter what. This is making him stronger and the man he was brought up to be. I will always be by his side. He is the best son anyone could ask for.

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