Prison Poem

Husband Is In Jail Poem

My name is Tina. My husband's name is Jason. He is currently in a state prison. He's been there 12 years, and I miss him so much. I moved over 300 miles from my hometown recently to the city where the prison is located so I could be here closer to him. I don't know anyone here, so it's been extremely hard. We still have a ways to go, but we'll make it. Our love is forever.

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I so identify with your testimony. My husband and I have been together 34 years, and have been married for 32 years. He has served 26 years of a life sentence for a crime he didn't commit. I...

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My Prayer


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2011 with permission of the Author.

I feel a tear run down my face
   As I sit in this quiet, lonely place.
I think of you and need you here.
    I wipe away my falling tear.
I hit the floor on bended knee.
    I ask, I beg, I start to plead.
Please bring him home.
    God, no longer do I want to be alone.
Is there an Angel you could send to us
    And give us a miracle? In God I trust.
He's done enough time; he needs to be free.
    Please God, bring him home to me.
We believe in love; I believe in you.
    Please God, is there something you could do?
I'll make it up to you, God, you know I will.
    I'll be good and honest, grateful and true.
So please send us an Angel, is all I ask of you
    I'll say this prayer each and every day
Until he is in my arms and home to stay.


  • Stories 86
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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Tonya James by Tonya James
  • 2 years ago

My husband went to prison 5 years ago. He was sentenced 35 to 60 years, which will put him 85 years old. He calls me every Tuesday, and not once has called me collect. He's up north, and I'm in the lower part of Michigan. I don't drive, so seeing him isn't available at this time. We have a long road ahead of us. I miss him so much and miss the kisses on my forehead. It's ride or die.

  • Sophie Steadman by Sophie Steadman
  • 1 year ago

I'm sorry for your pain and sadness, this is my life as well, my loved one has a 15 to life sentence and I have never been through anything like this before, it is by far the most difficult life, mentally, emotionally and physically and sometimes spiritually. I never knew what ride or die meant until today and that is my motto too! I will be there for my son until the end. This life is lonely, family and friends fade away as time goes on, and no one can truly understand what we go through unless they have experienced it themselves. I pray everyday for the grace to keep moving forward, I pray for my sons safety and well-being and I pray for every family out there on this difficult journey of incarceration with their loved ones, I don't know if I make a difference, but just in case I do, I'm gonna pray for you & your husband too. May God bless you both.

  • Nene by Nene
  • 5 years ago

My man, who I met when I was a teenager, is currently incarcerated. We've been in and out of contact over the years since meeting, but we just got back in contact again back in October and he was already incarcerated when we started talking again. He was set to be released in February of 2019 but instead they brought more charges against him that he had nothing to do with and eventually sentenced to the hole for 360 days. Currently appealing and filing grievances in relation to this wrongful conviction. I'm praying it gets overturned and he is freed soon from the hole and incarceration altogether!! He doesn't deserve this! Not sure what else can be done at this point to help his situation! This is a first for me...I can't wait until he comes home!!

  • Jaszmeanne by Jaszmeanne
  • 7 years ago

Hi my name is Jaszmeanne. I just want to say thank you. I enjoy reading all of the stories shared. I have never been through this situation before. My fiancé just recently has been locked up, and it is going to be for quite some time. I love him with all my heart, and I hope you all don't mind if I share some of your poems with him. I'm not much of a writer, but some of these express exactly what I'm feeling. Thank you! Yours truly, Jaszmeanne

  • Frenchie Sims by Frenchie Sims
  • 7 years ago

Hi, my name is Frenchie and my fiance's name is Chris. He has been locked up for a year and a half now. I miss him so much, so I know the feeling. It gets tough, but just keep praying for God to move in your fiance's favor. It will get better in time

  • Paul Gardner by Paul Gardner
  • 7 years ago

I wish you and your fiancé the best. It is a rough ride; the longer the sentence, the more feelings that are invoked. Trust me, I know; I was released from a 4.5 year sentence less than a month ago. While I was in there I wrote over 450 poems covering all sorts of feelings. I can only hope that your significant other is as receptive to poetry as you seem to be. Hang in there. A solid anchor is exactly what he needs.

  • Cheryl Kilgore by Cheryl Kilgore
  • 8 years ago

I have been with my husband for 16 years, and he has been in and out of jail and prison for most of our relationship. But right now this is the hardest time/trip we have had to deal with. We have 6 wonderful children together and he is looking at pulling a 10-15 if not 20 year sentence for something he didn’t do this time. Also, he just messed the birth of our 6th child. So it is a very upsetting time for us all right now.

  • Lauren by Lauren
  • 8 years ago

My husband got sent to jail for 6 months. I could not imagine having to deal with many years, like some of the other women in this post! We have 1 month left now. We've gotten through most of the time, BUT this last month is crawling by even slower than the months before. I'm having so much trouble without him, emotionally and financially. Our families have turned their backs on us.... I'm all he has and he's all I have. But we are separated, so we both have no one. I visit whenever I can, write letters, and we talk on the phone every day. We have been together for 15 years, and the longest we had ever been separated before this sentence was a weekend apart. This has been hell. I cry every day, all the time. I'm so alone, and I can't tell him how awful it is for me because that would be selfish. I know being in there is worse.

  • Amanda Grider by Amanda Grider
  • 7 years ago

Mine was just sentenced for a couple of months, but our story sounds so much alike. I haven't even been a weekend without him! I know you wrote this a year ago, but can you please tell me how you managed to get through this? I'm pregnant. He will be missing the birth. It's our first child together. I'm slowly losing it a little more each and every day. Any tips?

  • Meagan, West Virginia by Meagan, West Virginia
  • 8 years ago

I know exactly how you feel. I have been with my fiancé since I was 14 years old. I am now 26 years old. He is my best friend, the one I tell all my secrets to, and the man of my dreams. He has been in almost four years, left with five more to do. We are still waiting for a reconsideration. He is in prison over something stupid. He was in Indiana visiting his mother and I could not go with him due to my summer finals. His mother has always been a drug addict. He struggled with it when we were younger but finally stopped and started working and helping to support our family. While at his mother's house he discovered she was dating a man, one that is younger than me and him both, who was operating a Meth lab with his friends. The police raided her home and all the fingers were pointed at him. Out of nine people he is the only one sitting in prison still to this day. He was sentenced to 18 years, and every day is harder than the last! But I am still waiting. He has my heart forever!

  • Janet Vas by Janet Vas
  • 8 years ago

My son was sent to jail for 9 years at the age of 18!!! He was sent to a maximum security jail where there are all kinds of bad people!! But what hurts the most is the collusion that took place and the judge allowed this!!! He was not allowed any witnesses because the witness was going to expose the tactics these desperate informants, as young as 17 years old, did to them, but they caught him red-handed. The informant admitted why he set up my child and wrote letter to the judge! The witness was not allowed not one! The letter was misconstrued!! They were there to convict no matter what evidence you have. It simply does not matter!! The mysterious weapon was never fingerprinted by detectives or checked for any crimes!

  • Marty Boyd by Marty Boyd
  • 8 years ago

Our whole situation is my worst nightmare come true. My husband was arrested and has spent the last 7 months in jail. He did not do what he has been accused of and will spend the rest of his life paying for it. He will accept a plea as he is scared to death of going to prison and doesn't want to take the chance on losing in a trial. He is 60 years old. He lost his business, we lost our home (I am currently living with relatives), but once he is released we will be living in our car as the terms of his probation will not allow us to live where I am currently residing. This has cost us every penny we have. He is being set up to fail. With no money and how do you rent a place with a felony on your record? And with no place to live, it will violate his probation. Again set up to fail.
It's amazing to me how unjust the justice system is. My husband is a wonderful man who would give anyone the shirt off his back. This has destroyed our lives.

  • Tammy Jackson by Tammy Jackson
  • 7 years ago

My son got arrested 1/2015 for something he didn't do. Bond was set at $100,000. I'm on disability, so I couldn't get a lawyer. He was beat up and bad things degrading to him. You're guilty til proven innocent; the county is crooked also. The DA then promised my son he'd get him 60 years if he takes it to trial. My son is so mild mannered and hasn't ever been in trouble, never been mean to me (unlike his brothers). He even begged them to give him a lie detector test. They wouldn't let him. A guilty man wouldn't do that. Well, he accepted their plea of 10 years. He's only 30 years old. He doesn't belong there. He's scared. I'm scared. But what's messed up is his doc has him convicted a month after he was arrested, but my son spent a year and half in county before plea bargain. He was rail-roaded. Even lawyers in the city looked at his file and said he was. He feels forgotten. It's so hard to deal with that pain, my surgeries, and my disease. I gotta fight and nobody understands how much stress I'm under or how sad I am.

  • Shonda Johnson by Shonda Johnson
  • 8 years ago

What I would say to anyone...maybe it is better to have tried than to not try at all, and by that I mean absolutely go to trial because either way he may or may not live through it, but at least you gave it your all! I will send blessings your way.

  • Tina H. by Tina H.
  • 8 years ago

My husband has served 1 year in prison on a 10 year sentence. He is a great person. He is a wonderful father to our six children. He made a mistake that he really regrets. He has asked God for forgiveness and got really closer to Him. I would always talk to my husband about God. I know God has my husband in prison for a reason to make him his way. I know that the Lord will bring him out soon. This is all for testimony. I really trust the Lord because there is nothing impossible for him. So everyone keep praying and trusting God. God bless you.

  • Megan by Megan, Kentucky
  • 9 years ago

I am in the same situation. My husband is currently serving 6 months in County jail and I know how hard it is for me to be away from him. We have a 7 year old son and our son is full of questions. I can't imagine how you ladies feel being away from your spouses for as long as you have. I don't know how I will get through the holidays without him by my side. I just stay to myself in our room with his shirt laying next to me and a picture of him on the bedside table.

  • Maree Power by Maree Power, Queensland
  • 9 years ago

Hi, i can relate to your story too, as my husband is in prison, and has been for 4 months shy of 20 months. It has been hard, for myself and my kids, but love will get us through. I hope that it all works out for you, and that you make some friends in your new town. xx

  • Denetta by Denetta, Michigan
  • 9 years ago

Wow!!!! I never knew so many are going through what I am going through. Well me and my husband have been together for 10 yrs in which we have a 2 year old daughter. We were married in May 2014 and he was falsely accused of a crime in Aug 2014 and he has been in jail ever since which will be a year in a couple days. He has to serve 11 years and I have been and will continue to be there by his side for the rest of our lives! God has plans for us and he is only preparing us for better! He is 4 hrs away from me which is far but, I am grateful he is not 10 hrs away. I've learned that no matter what we as people go through it's always someone else going through more in life. Be grateful for your trial and tribulations because they will turn into testimonies and triumphs! I was shedding some tears reading all of you phenomenal women stories and I appreciated it so much. Please stand strong and faithful to God because he has a plan that's bigger than we can see. God Bless You all!

  • Ana Green by Ana Green
  • 8 years ago

It's been a hard bumpy road that we have faced, my husband has been in 6 yrs out of 28 years. We miss him so much. He was falsely accused of a crime that didn't pertain to him it sucks and people are always judging.

  • Dee Jay by Dee Jay, Pittsburgh
  • 10 years ago

I was touched by this poem. I am praying for you and hope that a miracle happens. Trust in God. Keep your head and your heart strong. Thank you for sharing your strength.

  • Molly Jean by Molly Jean, New York
  • 10 years ago

My father and I hiked mount Washington in New Hampshire in July of this year. As we approached the summit, we came across this shining soul who was hiking with a cat on his pack. My father told me I'd see him again and it'd be an immensely influential part of my life. Sure enough, I lost my father at the summit. Using my survival skills I stayed put until he found me. After a while someone tapped me on my shoulder and said, "Hi, I'm Logan." I turned around and it was the guy who was hiking with the cat. We fell wildly in love with each other and went on multiple backpacking trips through the white mountains.
He being from Maine, we grew familiar with the thought of being apart. Until one day he ran from two warrants in Maine and stole a vehicle to come see me and take me to see the country like we've always wanted to do. He left one morning to drive to a pawn shop and sure enough got pulled over in the heart of the capital region. He was caught with countless quantities of drugs and was taken into custody immediately and charged with a felony soon after. I finally get to visit him for the first time tomorrow and I am both terrified but filled with joy that I'm able to see my baby's shining face. There is no part of me that will ever give up on this. Stay strong in there my love. Both God and I are always with you.

  • Taya Pangos by Taya Pangos, Utah
  • 10 years ago

My husband got arrested 6 months after we got married. And has now been gone for 6 months, I miss him so much. Before he was taken we didn't spend a day apart we went to work came home and did everything together, it was peaceful and I felt whole. Now I have a huge emptiness inside my heart and I feel like it's forever away before he comes home. I know that we will make it through this and I know that our love is the reason why.

  • Tillina by Tillina, Texas
  • 10 years ago

Hi my husband is doing four years in prison. We have been married for 13 years and we have three great kids. It is really hard because they are not little, they understand what is going on, but I keep my head up and stay strong for them, but inside I am dying without my loving husband. We will be together soon.

  • Tammy by Tammy, Grand Prairie
  • 10 years ago

Hi, me and my fiance have been together for 4 years. He has been in prison for 6 months now. It's been really hard cause we have never spent a day apart since we first met. But in a way this has been a good thing cause our relationship was having problems. We were getting involved in drugs and fighting. We lost sight of ourselves and our love for each other. Drugs make you a different person. The saying "You never know what you have until it's gone" is so true. We both realize all the things we took for granted. Our love has never been stronger. It's really hard going everyday with out him. Every time I go visit him is hard cause when it's time to leave I just want him to come home with me. He goes to court next month to see how much time he gets. We are praying that he gets to come home. Another good thing is his relationship with God has grown. He has always been a religious person but now he dedicates his life to God. So do I. Without our faith what do we have? God never gives you more than you can handle. This is just a start to a new beginning for us. A chance to live life the right way. I'm 27 with 3 kids and he is 40 with 4 kids. We need to set an example to our kids. I want a better life than what I had for my kids. But with faith all things are possible. I miss you Armando Cardona Jr....always

  • Julia Quinn by Julia Quinn, California
  • 10 years ago

My fiancé has been in for about seven months and is still looking at possibly six or seven more. This has been the hardest thing I've ever endured and we have no one to lean on except each other. Still the pain is so fresh in my mind that if I let myself think I won't stop crying.. He is the love of my life and being without him is pure agony. I miss him so much. Pray for us that he comes out soon <3

  • Lillian Manago by Lillian Manago
  • 10 years ago

Hello ladies I am truly bless to have came across the sharing of you all stories. Well my husband is also in prison, and has been there 26 years. We have been married for 25 years, when we got married I was 18 and he was 21. He is to go home in 2016. Ladies it's very hard but god hasn't brought you this far to let you go. My husband is the most wonderful man I know and I love him more now at 45 years then ever. Ladies stay strong and keep god first and he will guide you the whole way through....May God Continue To Bless Each and Every one of you and your Husband.

  • Frances Williams by Frances Williams
  • 8 years ago

I so identify with your testimony. My husband and I have been together 34 years, and have been married for 32 years. He has served 26 years of a life sentence for a crime he didn't commit. I have spent all my funds...raised money for an attorney who messed over my husband's case, and we are now waiting to hear from the Innocence Project. Through it all, we have suffered greatly, but God's amazing grace and mercy has sustained us. Hold onto God. Trust in His word and NEVER GIVE UP. HE HAS A PLAN AND A PURPOSE FOR ALL THINGS. Not even our tears will be wasted, but God will get the glory out of our lives. Just hold on to your faith. I pray for the wives and girlfriends/fiancées who are trusting God through. This hard trial, Jesus will strengthen you, comfort you, and draw you closer to Him. There in the Father's arms is where your peace is found. God bless all of you.
Frances Williams

  • Samantha Hembrook by Samantha Hembrook
  • 9 years ago

Hello. My boyfriend of 2 and a half years was just sentenced to 8 years in prison. He filed for an appeal because this is his first offense but that appeal could take 3-6months. We write once a week and everyone keeps saying to leave him but we have decided to give it a year and see what happens. It has only been a month. I'm catching up on bills and working 2 jobs. I have turned to GOD since this whole thing has started last May. So all you have to do is keep praying. I believe he is the love of my life and my best friend.

  • Lisa Johnson by Lisa Johnson, Gadsden State College
  • 10 years ago

I don't even know what to say now that I read all these post. I really think GOD brought me here to this page to read all the story's. My man and I got married on the 27th day of May 2014 and on the 28th he had to go turn himself in to do 12 months of sap. I don't really understand the SAP thing all I know is that they told me we can't talk or see each other for several months only letters to keep in touch with each other. I have been staying home not really going anywhere much at all. I haven't been eating much and I am starting to feel sick, Before he had to leave I was like 125 pounds and now I'm down to 115 pounds. I don't have anyone to really lean on for support, I sit here and get into these little self-pity moods and cry all the time, Things keep going through my head, Like will he keep on loving and being in love with me not being able to see or talk to me, will he still think of me, or will he just forget all about me, just all kind of things are going through my head,
God Bless each and every one of you, my love to all.

  • Linda by Linda
  • 3 years ago

My boyfriend is in prison for life for something he didn't do. He's been there 20 years now. I do everything. I help him and we talked on the phone until he called me and said he doesn't want me anymore because he is gay now. I loved this guy to death. My heart is broken. I hurt so much. It's been 7 months since he called me with the news. I can't get him out of my heart or mind. I cry every day. I pray all the time. Wish you luck with yours.

  • Genny by Genny
  • 3 years ago

Hi, I'm so sorry for what you're going through. Just know you are not alone. You have support, maybe from strangers, but your story really hit me! My husband has been in now 6 years of a 14 year sentence, and it's still hard. I can relate to crying not eating and losing weight, but I know for a fact he will not forget you or stop loving you. If anything, he will treasure you more because you are there for him!

  • Joyce by Joyce, Idaho
  • 10 years ago

My husband was an innocent victim. Now he's serving 7 years for something he had nothing to do with. He's already spent 19 years in prison. Off duty cops shouldn't be allowed to follow anyone around in their own personal cars, off duty. That's stalking and we the Public would be incarcerated for following them around.

  • Fatema by Fatema, Bahrain Middle East
  • 11 years ago

I never imagined there were strong women like you ladies! This poems says it all, very inspiring and strengthening. I'm sailing on the same boat, my husband was sentenced for 15 years, it's been one year and two months now. Everyone keeps telling me I must be proud of him because he did nothing and he is a hero because he is sacrificing every day of his life for his country. We all are hoping that he will be home some day soon. He was taken from me 36 days after giving birth to our first child, and it breaks my heart to see my boy growing up away from his father, I wished he could see his first steps and giggles and wished he'd be present at his first birthday party. But only God knows how hard this has been and how much pain we go through, nothing lasts forever and soon the sun will definitely shine again. I respect all of you so much for your strength and patience and for having so much faith in God.

  • San Benito by San Benito, Texaa
  • 11 years ago

Omg! This poem literally made me cry my husbands doing 99 years.. But with a little faith he might get parole in 2023..

  • Vanceburg KY by Vanceburg KY
  • 11 years ago

I have been with out my husband since Dec 5th of 2013. It's very hard we have 6 kids and not a day that doesn't go by that I don't think of him, he's my true love, and my one and only and since he's been in prison they took so much away. I sit by the phone and cry and check the mail every day waiting for a letter. I love you Ronald Sigress Bland

  • Brownsville Tx by Brownsville Tx
  • 11 years ago

Well what Can I say but God Bless you all for being the loyal and loving wives that you all are. I am 33 years old and a mother of four children 13, 8, 7, 6. I find myself lost and scared my loving husband, Best friend, other half, and soulmate is incarcerated. All due to a false police report and the fact that he is on Probation. It has only been two months but we have never been apart from each other in the last 20 years. Ever since September 2, 1993 the day he whispered into my year a question that changed my life for the Best. He asked if I would be his girlfriend. We ran off together when we were 15 and have been on our own ever since, and with everyday that goes by my love for him gets stronger. Nothing seems the same, nothing tastes the same with his absence. Our life was never easy but we had each other. Our love is one more testament that true love does exist. My children and I miss him terribly but one thing is for sure we will wait as long as It takes and make sure that when God sends him home we are here waiting to receive him with open arms.

  • Lesvia Lopez by Lesvia Lopez, Miami Fl
  • 11 years ago

My husband has been in jail since June of this year, he will be there for 3 year. Words can't even explain the loneliness I feel not having him here with us. My two daughters, Chelsea 19 and Alissa 15. My husband will not be here to see my daughter graduate college and the other one high school. My heart aches everyday when I realize he is not here to lay down next to me at night. OMG I pray to God, to Jesus and to the Virgin Mary everyday and night to give me strength. I love you HON always and forever. God Bless families with love ones in prison.

  • Ilkeston by Ilkeston, In The Uk
  • 11 years ago

My boyfriend was only out for one day and got to spend one night with him, when he was recalled back to prison. I miss him so much it hurts to sleep at night.

  • Sara Bragg Ontario Canada by Sara Bragg Ontario Canada
  • 11 years ago

This poem made me tear up I miss my husband so badly he was taken to jail the day after I delivered our 3rd baby. He got into trouble after our daughter died. He took it really hard he got involved in some drugs and it just went from there. I miss him so much and I just want him to come home. Our baby is now 8 months old and she still doesn't know her daddy and we just want him home.

  • Monia S. by Monia S.
  • 11 years ago

My fiancée has been gone for 3 years on a 10 year sentence. When he was "taken", we were raising our 4 year old son together. Although I knew he was in trouble and needed help, I loved him and part of me believed him to be invincible. He is a very smart man, however, made bad decisions. The hardest part is realizing that I have had to start over without him, as a provider for our son, as an independent strong woman. It's been a struggle for us both. He is over 300 miles away from me, we can only communicate through mail, along with dozens of other walls building up between us.Despite these negatives, I know 1 thing and 1 thing only. He is the man meant for me, and I'm the woman put on this earth for him. And when the day is finally here that we are face to face, looking in each other's eyes, nothing else will matter. Waiting a decade for someone is by far the hardest thing any human can do. It helps knowing I'm not alone in living such a life.

  • Led By God by Led By God, Tx
  • 11 years ago

I love your poem. My husband and I were high school sweethearts we faded apart and god led me back to him 25 years later only to find him in prison. We have been back together for 4 years and married almost 2 months now. He recently was transferred 1000 of miles away from me and now I am unable to visit him every month like I have been for 4 years. I can only see him once maybe twice a year. So I am going to relocate to where he is, giving up my job, renting out my home and praying I will get a cna job and affordable apartment in Texas so I can see him weekly until god releases him from bondage. I know god bought us back together and a miracle is about to happen so we can make up for the 25 years we were not communicating and now the 4 years we are unable to lay next to each other. I will share your poem with my husband and together we will keep praying for god to fully unite us together to share our lives as husband and wife. Thank you

  • Lesly Vail.............Attica Ny by Lesly Vail.............Attica Ny
  • 11 years ago

I lost a 4 year old son in 1988. For years I couldn't accept his death slowly loosing my mind dressing his brother in my dead son's clothes. Caught totally off guard I met a wonderful man in 1991 doing 47 years to life bid. This man may have taken a life when he was a teenager but he saved mine .We married in 1992 and started our trailer visits in 1993. I gave birth to our twins in 1998. In 2002 we renewed our vows on our 10th year anniversary. In 2003 I broke his heart and divorced him, months later he escaped. Caught three days later. Last I had seen him was 2005. This past year in August 2012 I told our daughter I wanted to visit her dad for my birthday and we went. Nine years in solitary had taken his soul but when our eyes met they lit up and without saying a word we both knew this is where I was meant to be. We have been together ever since and I have a feeling of coming home. We are waiting to remarry. There is no place I rather be than with this man, my man. I love him to the moon and back.

  • Jeff Brdwell by Jeff Brdwell, Sparta Tn
  • 11 years ago

I just wanted to say THANK YOU for sharing this poem. My wife has been in jail for five months now and is facing four years. I HAVE NEVER been on this side I've always have been the one in jail or prison. This is my 3rd marriage and the one I'm grateful for and will do what ever it takes to keep my wife happy and to prove my love and the way we can do that is to always be there for them and help them stay positive. We have a little girl that turns 8 this month of Sep 2013 and a son who turns 2 Oct. 2nd and I pray every night for her to come home to us. I was in jail last year and my wife stood strong right at my side and has been the only one ever not even my family would and I thank GOD every day for blessing me with an ANGEL MY TRUE LOVE AND ONLY TRUE LOVE. I blame myself for my wife being took away. This is my wife second time in jail and her longest. I would take her place in a second. The letters and visit and calling home and hearing that special voice means the world and brings peace.

  • Still Here by Still Here, NC
  • 11 years ago

Never could put the words together, but this poem did. My husband has a 14 year bid and he has done six. We got married two years ago. I love him and I miss him dearly. This did bring tears to my eyes but I also rejoice because I know God will do just what he said He will do and we will be together soon.

  • Carmen by Carmen
  • 11 years ago

Thanks for sharing. Me and my fiancé have been together for almost 3 years now. some days are easy and some get really hard. All I hear is negative stuff from friends and co-workers. However, I love him so very much. He is my best friend. I try to visit him a list twice a month due to my job. But I pray and ask God to give us the strength that we need to make it, one day at time. Is so hard to leave after the visit. I don't have much support so it does get hard. God bless everyone.

  • By His Side by By His Side, Miami Fl
  • 11 years ago

I must say after reading all these stories I don't feel alone! Thank you all for sharing! My husband just got sent away for two different charges in two different counties! One is for 8 months & the other is 1 year and a day! We have been together for twelve years & have three kids. My heart is broken & don't know how I will cope without him. We have never been apart from each other & neither have my kids which are 8,7 & 6. I pray to god everyday to help us through this and get our daddy home soon!! Blessings to all!! The poem is beautiful & I know will help me through this very difficult time.

  • Nilmaris Guzman by Nilmaris Guzman, Philadelphia
  • 11 years ago

I was looking for a poem to send my husband and I came across this one and I felt in love with it because it's is so true, and it touch my heart in a way just like you. My husband has been away 8 months and it seem like forever. I love my baby so much and miss him everyday that past and this poem has so much meaning for all of us women that just wish everything was over and we could be together again and just like the poem said, until he's in my arm and home to stay. We gotta be strong for our husband and leave everything in God hands he know what's best and always do!!!! You know I love you and miss you with every heart beat every second of my life and wait for your return back to my arm! GOD BLESS YOU ALL AND GOOD LUCK! God is good!

  • Taylor by Taylor
  • 11 years ago

This poem really touched me...
My husband and I got married 3 months ago but have been together for 4 years now. about 2 weeks after our beautiful wedding my husband was arrested, and put in jail, for how long?, we don't know yet... I was only just getting my head around being married to the love of my life, my soul mate and my best friend.
I know it's only been a couple of months, but to go from spending every second with your love to no time at all is the worse pain anyone could go through, I beg, pled and pray every day to have my husband home in my arms, to start our married life together. We find out in 2 weeks how long he will go away for or if he will come home.
All I can say is this poem is exactly what I go threw day after day and who ever wrote this I know how you feel but as my husband and I always say 'this will all be over soon and you'll be in my arms forever'

  • In His Corner by In His Corner, Ca
  • 11 years ago

VERY NICE! thank you for sharing. I also have my other half/father to my babies in the FEDS. He was looking at 25 to life but received 10 & with good behavior we are looking at 8 & some change. He has been down 3. No takes a much stronger woman to stand by her man in this situation...and the lonely nights get unbearable at times...BUT I LOVE HIM..IN I WILL REMAIN IN HIS CORNER...3 down 5 to go...we LOVE U BABY! soon we will be together!

  • Sara Clay by Sara Clay, Houston Tx
  • 11 years ago

When I found this poem it helped me a lot. My husband is on his 6th year on a 20 year sentence I have been with my husband since I was 18 I am now 28. Currently waiting on a answer from parole board to see if he will be able to come home this year. I read this poem everyday it gives me hope and always makes me cry but, I have faith in god and leave everything in gods hands. Staying positive really helps and keeping yourself busy. I see my husband every weekend and do everything I can because I know it's hard on him too. This is the perfect poem.

  • Lisa Desorcy by Lisa Desorcy, South Carolina
  • 12 years ago

I met the love of my life while working as a Registered nurse in his prison. The first time our eyes met, I knew something was different about him. I have never met anyone who makes me feel so special. His smile absolutely knocked me off my seat. I knew he was convicted wrongly from day 1. Something inside me kept telling me to speak to him and let him know how I felt but I was too afraid and just wouldn't do it. Besides, I had always said "you'll never have to worry about me falling for an inmate" The statement is so true "never say never". Just days before I was to quit my job there I finally spoke to him. He was given a 20 year straight sentence with no parole. He was forced to plead guilty by a public defender for voluntary manslaughter even though he was acting in self defense. Never met a more genuine person and I love him dearly. God, please perform a miracle. My Yankee Rose has spent 11 years for protecting himself. I love you Joshua with all my heart, mind and soul always!

  • Tara Horne by Tara Horne, NC
  • 12 years ago

This poem really spoke to me. Me and my fiancé have been together 4 years and have a one and a half year old little boy. This gives me hope to see all of these women who are standing strong for there men. Mine has been in for two months but it feels like forever, but I would stand by him no matter how long he is in. We don't know when he will be out, they keep holding him for court dates. All we can do is hope and pray that one day we can be together again. Thank u so much for sharing your stories they really help.

  • Brittany by Brittany, Jacksonville
  • 12 years ago

Such a true helped me a lot. My husband is 6 months into a 5 year sentence. We were only married 3 months before he had to leave. It's so hard and everyone always has something to say. But I love him and he loves me so that is all that matters. I try and visit every Saturday and the prison is 2 hours each way. I'm deff becoming a regular! I miss him so much, we never thought he would get anymore then probation. I guess that's what you get for having a crappy behind lawyer we paid out of the tail for. Hold your heads up high ladies!

  • Mandi by Mandi, Hattiesburg Ms
  • 12 years ago

I meet the love of my life while he has been in prison. In Nov 2011 the first time we met, when we locked eyes for the 1st time I knew he was my one! The one I was meant to spend the rest of my life with it was love at 1st sight. I've never had a feeling like that b4 ever. He swept me off my feet. June 2012 we got married we were so happy we fell in love in a hopeless place I'll never forget the look in eyes as he held my hands while we were saying I do he never took his eyes off mine the love I knew he had for me was all right there. He is a wonderful man and I can't wait till we can spend our days growing old together. He got 18 years he's been in for 3 and hopefully only has 4 more left. I show him everyday how much he means to me and how much I love him with every beat of my heart

  • Paige by Paige, TN
  • 12 years ago

I am in the same boat. We are young, me 18, him, 19 but we love each other. He got arrested three weeks after me having our first child. Its going to be hard and lonely, me raising our child alone. I spent the little money I had on his lawyer now I'm broke and the police took the car. He is looking at three to five years. Prayer is the only answer. I really really miss him

  • Chicago IL by Chicago IL
  • 12 years ago

Wow, I understand your pain, my boyfriend is awaiting trial and lord knows I'm scared of what they might sentence him. but you are the definition of true love.

  • Heather by Heather, Fl
  • 12 years ago

My husband left today to do 6 1/2 years. Our 3 year anniversary is coming up and I can't imagine how hard these next several weeks are going to be. I can only pray that it gets a little better as time goes on but I pray that he can come home way sooner. I already miss him like crazy and he just left 2 hours ago. He is my best friend. I know what some of you are going through and my heart goes out to everyone in this situation and I will pray for the best.

  • Iliana by Iliana, Houston Tx
  • 12 years ago

This poem really touched my man is locked up and I don't know how much time he will get kills me to see him away from the family..we have a 3 month son and he just seen him for the first time...all I wanted to do is cry...I pray to god that they won't give him much time because he doesn't really deserve none of this...we love him and miss him...

  • Linda by Linda, New Jersey
  • 12 years ago

I know how you feel my man been in prison 12 years and still has time to go. I cry everynight and day. I'm a little older then you are and I put my home up so I can get him good lawyer. The messed up part of this is he didn't do what he is doing time
for. It's so true. How many people in jail or prison that really didn't do it ..They just moved him from one prison to another so far away.

  • Samantha by Samantha, Michigan
  • 12 years ago

This poem really made me cry my heart out. My husband is doing a 6 year sentence with 4 years 10 months to go.....he was convicted of a crime that had nothing to do with him....he was set up..a witness said the person who robbed him looked like my husband. There is no way possible he did the crime because he was with me at home setting up the crib and stuff for our first child arrival. I am 20 about to be 21 in December 21 and he just turned 22 November 24th . We have been together since we was 14 & 15. We have always been by each others side and have never gone a day with out seeing each other. It's so hard being a new mom and not being able to share his experience with him. I can't go see him because they sent him all the way up. We tried an appeal but they rejected it. Our daughter is now going to be 2 in July and it breaks my heart that she won't be able to get to know what amazing man her daddy is until she's 6.

  • Tiffany by Tiffany, Seattle
  • 12 years ago

My husband has a 7 month sentence in the county jail. He has been gone for 3 months and I am already falling apart. We just had a baby in May and he was able to spend the first 3 months with our newborn. I really feel bad for my baby not having his father with him. He is missing major milestones. Raising kids alone is so hard and also sleeping alone. I pray for all of you woman on here to have strength because it is far from easy being left alone while your other half is gone. God bless you all.

  • Honolulu by Honolulu, Hawaii
  • 12 years ago

Your poem got me crying. My husband and I have been married for 3 years now. He's in prison back at our hometown - American Samoa; and I'm here in Hawaii. When I first heard the news about him being taken to prison, I felt so depressed and couldn't stop crying. I didn't know what to do and I had a lot of thoughts in my mind that even made me cried harder. I miss him very much. However, there is nothing I can do but pray.

  • Lamar by Lamar, NJ
  • 12 years ago

My husband has only been in jail for only a month. His release date is on our anniversary 11/11/12. The reason why I'm so upset is because my husband is on parole in PA. He's incarcerated in NJ at the present time. His parole officer is looking for him. I'm praying that they don't put a warrant out for his arrest. I'm pregnant we've only been married for a year. This is our only child together he has three. I have one that's 16. I didn't want anymore. My husband talked me into having more. I don't want to be a single mom again please bring my husband home so he can experience the birth of our love child. He wasn't there to raise any of his children so I want for us two have that opportunity. Please don't take that from us Lord! I'm also upset that he's not here to rub my fat belly. Lol! I Miss him & its only been a month so I can't imagine what any of you ladies are going thru. I know if my husband had any years I would be by his side. I'm praying for all of you. Have faith and stay strong.

  • Theresa by Theresa
  • 12 years ago

My fiancé is currently serving a 20 year sentence with 7 more years to go..and yes it is hard and I pray everyday that god grants us a miracle. I have strong faith that he will be getting out very soon hopefully from good time. All we do have is divine timing.

  • Marie Jones by Marie Jones
  • 12 years ago

My HUSBAND has been in jail for nine months now we've been married for 4 years he has a year and a half to go. I really miss him a lot. I just pray that this will be a lesson learned for him that he understands that he has a family out here who needs him and loves him dearly. My husband is my best friend and we may go through our ups and our down but we love each other. We are saved and sanctified and filled with the holy spirit God has blessed us in so many ways. I just want him home because my children miss him they cry all the time and I try to be strong for them but sometimes I find myself getting weak but I don't let them see me but God is good and still in the blessing business he'll be home soon and when that day comes I know that will be a fresh start for him. I know God is going to build and restore my marriage I pray for strength as me and my children go through this journey!!! be blessed everyone!

  • Jessica by Jessica, KY
  • 12 years ago

I met my Fiancée April 9th 2011. He was on Parole at the time, and everything seemed fine till sometime in late June when he got laid off because the company went under. He tried for months to get another job, anything to keep from having to leave me. Unfortunately Jan 18th 2012 he was taken to jail, and then shipped 230 miles away. Now if he doesn't get Parole this coming January he may not get out till October 2014. He is 35 and I'm 26. I plan on being there for him no matter what because no one in his life before me has ever showed him what true unconditional love is. Thank you for writing this, because it expresses my own feelings perfectly.

  • Amandahulsey by Amandahulsey, Cantonga
  • 12 years ago

I love your poem. My boyfriend was sentenced to Harris county state prison on July 24 2012 on a 2 year sentence in Hamilton G.A and it's really hard being away and without him. I only get to see him every two weeks and don't get to go all the time cause its so far away. I ask God and pray every day for him to send me a miracle and let him get an early release and I know and believe in my heart that he will answer my prayer soon. When he does get home we're doing right and living by God. I love my boyfriend so much and I just want him to come home to me.

  • Tanya McCorkle by Tanya McCorkle
  • 12 years ago

My husband has been in jail since Feb. of this year and was put in prison in august of this year and will be there till April of next year. It may not be as long as a lot of you, but it still hurts the same. From the beginning of our relationship we knew this was it for both of us. We were always together non stop for 3 years and then they take him and all of a sudden I have to learn to live on my own again but this is not what I want. He should be right here next to me he should be in our bed beside me everynight. But he's not so I cry all the time. He has realized how much he loves and needs me and the kids now since we have been apart. I love him and he loves me. I just pray God has mercy on us and all of you other wives going through the same thing. Not to mention talking to him while he is in prison is almost impossible because its so expensive I can't afford it and I miss his voice just that good night call is something I need and can't get much.

  • Christie by Christie, CA
  • 12 years ago

My names Christie and My fiancé Kevin was just sentenced to 27 years with two strikes here in CA... I'm 22 and he is 24.. Childhood sweethearts I've loved him since I was 12 years old! Truly he's my soulmate I'm his.. We've been back and forth over the last 8 years never stopped loving one another and if any of you amazing women can give me some advice I'd greatly appreciate it .. I'm heart broken and feel so lost already!

  • Megan by Megan, Texas
  • 12 years ago

This Prayer really helped me as I'm am going through. I have read a lot of this stories and sometimes I feel like I'm the only one going through. But ladies we have to continue to remember that we are blessed and without the Love of God keeping you we would not be as strong as what we are. My husband has been gone for 2 months and it feels like years he was sentence to 21 mo. in federal prison. I just keep telling him everyday that God is going to set him free I can feel it in my spirit. I will be praying for all of you that God may give you strength and keep you through this time as this time is only a season. and all seasons past. May God be with you and keep you during this season.

  • Snadi Lerma by Snadi Lerma, California
  • 12 years ago

Wow I read this and I felt everything in it. My husband and I have only been together 6 months and married 2 but from the moment I met him I knew he was the person I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with. He has been in and out of jail/prison most of his life all due to drugs and alcohol, when he does those things he turns into another person. He blacks out doesn't remember the things that he has done but when he comes down he feels so much remorse he has an amazing heart and a conscience. He is now there on charges and we have NO idea how long we are looking at. I love him so much and believe me I knew everything about him before I met him he was always and has always been open and honest with me from the moment we began corresponding online. He tried to warn me off but I fell in love with him before I ever met him in person. He sits there wondering how he can put me through all of this and all I ever do is try to reassure him that I am going NOWHERE no matter how long.

  • Elizabeth by Elizabeth, Tucson
  • 12 years ago

After reading all your stories my heart really goes out to you all. So many are forgotten and all we can do is stay strong and pray for all of them. I too pray for my grandson. Some nights I can't even sleep. I can feel he's really struggling. My prayers go out to each and every one of them. But I too believe in miracles.

  • Grace by Grace, Atlanta Georgia
  • 12 years ago

I love your poem/prayer. I just wrote it down to send my bf/. He went to a PDC for 15 months after our 1st yr together, then we moved 400 miles away from home to keep him away from trouble. He was 32, I was 24. We had a yr w/o him being arrested. We moved back and within months he was arrested over and over, finally spending 2 years in prison. We have no children together, we aren't married, so I have no strings connected other than heart. When he got out in 2010, I told him I needed a break. He got himself together, I went to see him, but left feeling he would be going back soon and unfortunately 5 months later he went back. He has been locked up now for 15 months w/ 30 yrs and facing 30 more for other charges. People think I'm a fool, but I've prayed for God to take this love away, but I'm still here. My love for him is as strong as it ever was. 8 1/2 yrs later and I am still here. Nice to see other's dedications to their men as I have for mine!

  • Nicky by Nicky, Norfolk England
  • 12 years ago

Reading this poem has brought tears to my many others I was looking so I could send him somethink..just to show I'm thinking of him...I married my true love and soulmate 11 months ago..within 3 weeks and 4 days he was taken away from me. He's now doing 5 years. It's so hard, I have 3 children and we have just moved to a new area where I don't know anyone neither do the children. My family live quite a distance and it's hard to go and see them. I'm struggling so much...there is so many people out there that don't understand what us women go through while are men are away. I'm there for my man forever and I'll always be honest and faithful...keep your chin up girl, stay strong, and always believe...he will be in your arms again xxxx

  • Vanessa by Vanessa, Cleveland Ohio
  • 12 years ago

MY husband and I been married for a year now today has I write this. I was looking for something to send him while he is in jail like this poem speaks for me. He sent me a gift I love him soo much I pray, cry and wait until he returns to me ...people try to talk about him to me in my ear but I know it's just faith trying to tell me to hold on tighter to love. We have an 4 year and 2 year old, both girls. They miss him soo much it's just he is another state then me and I work and I'm in school I can't leave right now but I will later. I will wait for him my faith is too strong, stronger than it's ever been for us. So I know he's really worth it and down...high and lows night and days he has always been there so I will be there for him ... we are in the beginners stage but I know we were meant to be ....I been with bad to know something good....we all know people going to push us while he's in there but..that's a test of faith stay strong keep moving, stay focused and wait. I'll pray for you all hope for the same....things will get better for everyone it all ways do....when we wait..god said blessings come to those that wait on him...wait on god and he'll bless you with the one you love.....

  • Rhonda by Rhonda, PA
  • 12 years ago

All I can say is beautiful my husband is doing a 10 year bid. Words can't describe how your poem affected me. I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes. I wish everyday God will bless us with another chance to be together again. Your poem says everything I feel.
Great job

  • Wewoka Oklahoma by Wewoka Oklahoma
  • 12 years ago

My husband is also incarcerated, on his 2nd year of a 20 year sentence. I miss him more everyday and when I look at our children it breaks my heart. Our youngest will be 16 when he comes home. It's not easy to love a man behind bars but love in general isn't easy. HR is worth the wait, he holds my heart and soul. ~Mrs. 277035~ Wolfe's wife :)

  • Julie by Julie, Florida
  • 12 years ago

This poem really touched my heart. I know how it feels to have your husband incarcerated. Mine has been in there for 5 years now and still has 3 more years and that's already with good behavior. I live so far away and am laid off so I can't see him. It's been a few years since the last time I saw him. I write him every single week since he's been locked up, more than twice in one week. We can't even have a private conversation on the phone because he calls me through his sister and then she hooks the call to me. I Love him with all of my heart and ALWAYS will, but his family hates me and blames me for his incarceration when it had nothing to do with me, but I don't care, I will continue to be by his side!! I miss you My Love!

  • Arizona by Arizona
  • 12 years ago

Words can not even explain how this poems helps me! I married my husband two years ago and he's been in and out of jail but he was literally at the wrong place at the wrong time and he got caught with stuff that wasn't his and for the first time when he really thought he had nothing to worry about cuz it wasn't his, he got screwed the worse. Just because he had a record the cops pinned everything on him. Now he got taken away from me for 4.75 years. It jus happened about 3 months ago so I know I still have ways to go but when I found this poem and read all the comments it gave me comfort to know that I'm not the only one out there and it gives me strength to know I'm not the only woman to stand by her man when everyone else criticized me!! I believe in my vows and I'll continue to stand by him no matter what!! Good luck to all you ladies and I HOPE NOTHING BUT THE BEST and good luck in your cases!!! God bless and let the Lord be with you all!!

  • California by California
  • 12 years ago

OMG girl, your poem broke my heart but, it also made me realize that true love is forever. I was really admired by your poem. I have my man in prison too he's been there for 4 years already and doing a 21 year sentence, so I understand where your coming from. I go see my man every two weeks, it's a long drive up to northern California but I don't regret going. I love him and miss his. Keep it you. Stay strong and have faith. You'll be in my prayers he'll be out one day soon, just have faith in God.

  • Missouri by Missouri
  • 12 years ago

My husband is in prison doing a 7 year with 15 months to go before he can return home. I think say and pray daily for his quick return. Stand strong I know all to well there are days where it seems so dark . But , stand strong and all will pass. It's hard to find one you love. I've been with mine 19 years and daily even apart I fall more in love with him...yet learn just what we had at home was so special....I wish you the best....It takes a very special person to stand by someone in prison

  • California by California
  • 12 years ago

Wow, I don't even know what to say. I love this poem. Your story broke my heart. Here I am crying over my husband being away from our son and me for a mere 6 months with only 4 months to go. You have had to endure this pain for such a long time, and you continue to stand by his side with your head held high. For you to move such a distance from your family to be close to him, I have so much respect for you. You are such a strong woman. I pray god gives you strength and comfort in your new home town as well as brings your husband home. Good luck. With love and so much respect. Be strong, god will hear your prayers.

  • Narnla by Narnla
  • 12 years ago

I have been with my boyfriend for 2 and half years! In 2 weeks time he will be taken away from me and put to jail for which may be months to years and every day I beg god please don't do this to me! It's eating me up alive! I'm not scared of anything... But him going is the scariest and most horrible feeling in the world! I'm really hurting and could do with my prayers being answered!

  • Claudia Cano by Claudia Cano, Pharr
  • 12 years ago

My husband has been in jail for three years on an eight year sentence. He is also very young, he is twenty seven years old and I married him last year at the prison. I wanted to show him that my love was so strong towards him that I didn't mind marring him while he was incarcerated. His parole is coming up soon and I hope and pray he comes home this year. Our kids miss him soo much and so do I. I just pray to God to send us an Angel that will bring him home. Stay Strong and have faith in God. God works in mysterious ways and works miracles in the lives of people. To my husband: I love you baby, always will

  • Ronna by Ronna, Houston
  • 13 years ago

My husband has been in jail 7 years on a 270 year bid and no matter what anyone says he is the BEST man in the world. I have known him since I was 14 and I'm 25 now. Your words say everything I think daily I beg plead pray to God and I know nothing is impossible we have an appeal coming up soon I pray all goes well and I know it will God bless you for your word stay strong positive and prayfully Gods promise are yes and amen and God always has a yes in your future - will be praying for you nothing is impossible

  • Laura by Laura, Springtown
  • 13 years ago

I know how you feel girl it hasn't been years but only a few months and I already miss my love with all my heart. They are talking up to as many as 15-20 years. It breaks my heart to see someone who only barely turned 21 to be in such a situation but all I can do is sit back and pray. I'm hoping god can send a miracle my way because lord only knows how hard this is going to be!
#I miss you baby!!!!

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