Addiction Poem about Family

Don't Follow In My Footsteps

I wrote this for my 17-year-old daughter as she waited in the Detention Center for a bed to open at an Inpatient Treatment Center. After 2 years of struggling with Heroin we finally got her in.... Bless you, baby.

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My daughter has been addicted to drugs for the past year. She has disowned her whole family. I take care of my grandson. She hates me for that, but she gave him to me. Now she's losing him in...

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To My Daughter


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2009 with permission of the Author.

To my daughter:

Most parents want their children
To grow up and follow in their footsteps ...

Not me!

Raising children while fighting addiction
Is harder than you'd believe.

You take their birthday money,
The food from their mouth,

Just so you can enjoy one more round.
Another long night of flying high ...

When tomorrow comes,
It'll all be all right.

You'll make that promise  --
over and over again.

Then the cocaine is delivered
And another long night begins.

Yes, I was a bad mom
And I can't take that back.

But eleven years clean,
I'm finally on the right track.

I've tried hard all those years
To make up for what I'd done.

Then my baby comes to me
"Mom, I'm addicted to Heroin."

Why didn't I notice?
Did I not see the signs?

Or, because I think she is perfect,
Did I turn a blind eye?

Where did I go wrong?
What have I done?

The shame pours over me,
The damage is done.

She's just like her mama,
She's proven that fact.

Down the road to destruction.
When will she hit bottom ... so she can come back?

We will fight this together
And the journey begins.

But Mama can't win
With her group of friends.

I know that she's hurting,
I know how it feels.

But the Doctor will cure it
With a handful of pills.

She will fail over and over again.
Just like her Mama, an addict 'til the end.

I have to be strong now,
She's getting the help.

But it's so painful not sleeping
Or eating,

Knowing she's laying there
In a cell -- crying herself to sleep.

I'll see her on visiting days.
I'll try to be strong.

She's just following my footsteps
And someday she'll be the mom.

I love you baby,


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Eileen Allan by Eileen Allan
  • 6 years ago

My daughter has been addicted to drugs for the past year. She has disowned her whole family. I take care of my grandson. She hates me for that, but she gave him to me. Now she's losing him in a custody battle. I don't know what to do or where to go. The verbal abuse is so bad. I just want my daughter back. Please help.

  • Ashley Marie by Ashley Marie
  • 14 years ago

I am a 17 year old IV heroin user of 3 years. I had to wait in a facility waiting for a bed at inpatient as well. My mom was not an addict but my dad was. This nearly mirrors my situation.

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