Mother Daughter Poem

I wrote the poem for my daughter Autumn after she left for college. Her absence fed my muse and writing helped me cope with the loss. I used Tidal Wave and tides in contrast with the poem for that's exactly what it felt like for me when she left. Thank you for taking the time to read my work!!

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Dear Tersia, your story has touched me deeply. I am so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter. I couldn't even begin to imagine the grief and sadness you must be feeling. I have 3...

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Tidal Wave Of Emotions


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2011 with permission of the Author.

A tidal wave of emotions,
have sent my soul out to sea.
Crashing currents submersing,
what once was you and me.

Drifting afar distantly,
a glimpse of precious time.
While I held you close to me,
singing your favorite rhyme.

Rocking gently back and forth,
arms encircling you whole.
Lips pressed upon sweet innocence,
your cries I did console.

Praying the Lord may keep you;
wash your troubles away.
Hoping a bond forever remains,
the same tomorrow as today.

Splashing scents of adorable purity;
upon your mother's face.
I draw you closer, your tiny being;
and even tighter I embrace.

A riptide of adornment drowns;
a tidal wave within my soul.
I once was broken and severed,
but now am completely whole.

Consumed with pure admiration,
at the woman you've become.
Beautiful imperfections,
your absence chastised me numb.

Although I know you had to,
spread those vast angelic wings.
I still can hear the laughter,
of a child's heart that proudly sings.

These crashing, violent riptides;
will soon turn a peaceful wave.
Knowing the life I gave you,
is the life in me which you did save.

This current of my heart, is perfectly;
in synch with every beat.
A perfect bond between us;
without your love, I'm incomplete.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Tersia Burger by Tersia Burger, South Africa
  • 10 years ago

My beautiful daughter died 561 days ago. She was ill for a long time and although I prayed for her suffering to end, I am consumed with grief. We were so close and her passing has left an indescribable void in my life. The bond between a mother and daughter is sacred. Vic was my only child and my life evolved around her. I have reposted your poem but changed the odd word. I hope you forgive me for that.
Treasure your precious daughter and next time you hold her close remember my Vicky.
Thank you for sharing your love for your daughter with us.

  • Stacy Lynn Stiles by Stacy Lynn Stiles Poet
  • 10 years ago

Dear Tersia, your story has touched me deeply. I am so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter. I couldn't even begin to imagine the grief and sadness you must be feeling. I have 3 daughters, and they are my life. Please accept my deepest condolences......your daughter was beautiful and an angel. I hope you are doing well. And yes.....I am absolutely fine with the change. Thank you for taking the time to read my poem and comment. You've touched my heart and it goes out to you. Best wishes, Stacy L. Stiles

  • Freda McCoy by Freda McCoy, Colorado Springs CO
  • 13 years ago

My daughter is 17. She is my everything.She will be gone soon and she is so excited. I feel so alone I miss her already. This poem will help me to let her know how much she means to me.I know you wrote this for your daughter but thank you for sharing it, so I can share it with my baby girl.

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