Sympathy Poem

Poem For Condolence

Although this poem has never been published before, it is one that I have shared many times. When you have lived to be almost 95, you have witnessed the passing of many people and the sadness that it brings. This poem has been included in many funeral rituals and people have expressed their gratitude for it. If it can be of solace to anyone in the future, I will be very pleased.

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The Return

© more by Alora M. Knight

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2017 with permission of the Author.

At a time of sorrow, it is hard to believe
That the sun will once again shine.
That's when it seems you do nothing but grieve,
With all joy being left far behind.

Still, life has a way of starting anew,
A gradual moving away
From heartaches that linger, as heartaches will do,
If you will allow them to stay.

As spring returns to the Earth every year,
Bringing all of its beauty in view,
So merciful time will heal everything,
Bringing peace of mind back to you.

Know in your heart that love never dies,
No matter whatever befalls.
The only ones who never have tears in their eyes
Are those who loved no one at all.

The greater the love, the greater the loss.
Still, it's love that makes life worth living.
Few are the ones who will not bear the cost
To have shared in the joy of its giving.



Words have always been an important part of my life. My mother taught to read before I started school and coached me through winning spelling contests. I had to learn the meaning of the words, too. I've written books and articles for Salesian Inspirational Mission, Chicken Soup for the Sister's Soul, for newspapers and magazines, but receiving...

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