Sympathy Poem

I wrote this poem when my ex-boyfriend lost his little brother.

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I know what you're going though. I lost my stepdad 3 months ago to cancer. The doctors told us he was too sick for chemo. We were not close either, yet I put my life on hold, moved back home...

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The Loss Of A Loved One


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2010 with permission of the Author.

The loss of a loved one is so hard to face.
You just want to hide,
go somewhere and escape!
But death is something
we all must go through.
I know it's hard
when it's someone you loved and knew.

Just know now,
he is in a better place.
No more hurt or pain shall he face.
It seems unfair, and yes, this is true,
but he is in Heaven now
watching over me and you!

God has called him home to rest!!
And he's being well taken care of
Because God knows best!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Ignacio A Fuentes by Ignacio A Fuentes
  • 6 years ago

My mother, I didn't know the last day I saw you would be our last day together. I can recall that I talked to you even though you couldn't tell how you were feeling. I knew that day was coming, but I didn't know it would be then. I recall sitting by your bedside, holding your hand, talking to you and hugging you. I started to cry. You saw me cry and you stroked my hair to let me know you're okay. Even though you were sick, you tried comforting me. I hugged you and gave you a kiss. I told you I was going home, and you blinked your eyes to say okay. I didn't know that would be our last time together. You're forever in my heart. I love you, Mom. Until we meet again!
6/18/1934 - 6/7/2014

  • Chandra Taylor by Chandra Taylor
  • 7 years ago

My fiancé was murdered on August 6, 2017. He leaves behind a host of family members. We were planning our life together. We thought we had 40-50 years together, at the very least. Little did I know that the last time we spoke, which was just hours before someone snatched him away from me, would be the last time I would speak to him. It's not just that he is gone, but it is the manner of which he was taken and the fact that we have no answers. I don't sleep, I don't eat. I just walk around in a daze wondering when I will awaken from this nightmare. I just don't know what I am supposed to do now. How can I go on?

  • David Howden by David Howden
  • 7 years ago

Dear Chandra. The circumstances of my tragedy was very different to yours, but I can assure you I understand a little of the hurt and enormity of how you feel. It cannot be expressed in words alone. What I can assure you of is that with love and understanding from your friends and colleagues, as hard as it may seem now, you will smile again. Even laugh. And with that love and understanding, slowly begin to enjoy this very different life. My younger daughter Tessa was murdered in our home by an intruder on the January 10, 1986. I was the one to find her in her bedroom. The horror of what I found that morning was enough to kill, but with help from our family friends and neighbours, all who have themselves been deeply affected, my wife and I have survived. I am presently the chairman of the charity SAMM South East (Support After Murder and Manslaughter).

  • You Can Go On by You Can Go On
  • 7 years ago

We are very sorry for your loss and acknowledge that you must continue to seriously grieve for as long as it takes for your heart to heal enough to be able to smile at life again. We will pray for you.

  • M D G by M D G
  • 9 years ago

I lost my world. The one person who never annoyed me and if she did, it never mattered and overlooked it. I wish I could say I'm better now, but it will never be better. All you can do now is live by their standards

  • Maurer Ogbonnaya by Maurer Ogbonnaya, Nigeria
  • 10 years ago

I lost my mother this morning to a prolonged illness. This is the most difficult time in my life. She is everything to me, my best friend and sister. I feel empty and lost.

  • Sandy Veach by Sandy Veach
  • 5 years ago

I Iost my mom October 19, 2019. I think it's the worst pain I've ever had. It hurts so bad and so deep. Not being able to speak with her kills me every day. She was my rock, my strength. With her, I knew everything would be ok. I would give every dime just to have her time. I would pay everything just to have phone time to have her tell me she's fine.

  • Kathi Stokes by Kathi Stokes
  • 10 years ago

My son Darrell was murdered on March 16th 2014. I can not even explain the emptiness I feel inside. The anger at times is unbearable. I feel like I can't love anymore. He took part of my soul with him. Some of you have written your love one is in a better place as that might be true I want him here with me and this three kids who wonder why daddy is not coming home. I want to keep him alive with love, laughter, stories that make you remember. I can't understand nor will I never that anyone person take someone's life. You not only took his YOU took mine.

  • Kenya by Kenya
  • 10 years ago

I lost my brother two years ago due to a blood clot that caused heart attack. He was my follower we grew up together his loss is still very painful. I see like the rest are ok. I don't know their feelings. I always want to talk about him and whenever I cry I feel some relief and I tell myself that one time we shall meet when my time comes.

  • Reno Nevada by Reno Nevada
  • 11 years ago

My sister Karen and I aren't that close But when she last visited I found myself crying over her leaving. I remember really needing my big sister but we lived so far apart, never knew she was sick until now, she has cancer they say incurable and now I just think about who she shared this with because it wasn't me, but I would have been there for her if she asked me. But she never did and I ache for her more then she will ever know, I watched my mom die and it was really hard nobody ever asked me if I was ok I'm still not ok can I watch my sister die I don't think I'm strong enough. She smiled the last time she was here do I want to remember that or remember her in the hospital in pain. Karen I wish we where close but it doesn't matter I love you with all my heart, your sister Lori.

  • Michelle Obernier by Michelle Obernier
  • 7 years ago

I know what you're going though. I lost my stepdad 3 months ago to cancer. The doctors told us he was too sick for chemo. We were not close either, yet I put my life on hold, moved back home to help support my mom. We got a call one night from the nurse stating his blood pressure kept dropping and he probably wouldn't make it through the night. Gary died 12 hours later with mom and me by his side. Gary was a veteran and did 2 tours in Vietnam. He was the strongest man I ever knew. Watching him wither away from cancer and seeing his heart stop beating in front of my eyes really affected me. I had nightmares, but I wouldn't have changed a thing because it gave me the chance to play care giver and love him. That never would have happened if he didn't get sick and I couldn't deal with the fear watching him die.

  • A Sister by A Sister, Tx
  • 9 years ago

From an outsiders point of view, I was there for my sister. But I do not think I did enough. You may not be close but you will start remembering all your childhood memories. CANCER sucks but it sucks even more without the people you need. Being a sister is a big important role, make her laugh, give her strength. Tell her you love her so you won't regret it.

  • Swati by Swati, India
  • 11 years ago

My elder brother was murdered in front of me by a greedy person around five months ago. After he was critically wounded, he saved our mother as she was next to be stabbed. Then our mother saved me from that cruel freak. Now, my grandparents, parents and I are alive seems like just to mourn for our loss. At times it's unbelievable that we won't get to see him ever again.

  • Ron by Ron
  • 7 years ago

The saddest part of this story is your belief that you will never see him again.

  • Natalie Giambrone by Natalie Giambrone
  • 11 years ago

I lost someone very special back in October 2013. Our story is a tragic one, and one I still can't come to terms with. The best way to describe Ali, was that he was my good friend, turned partner. He had been diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus, but he had told me he was in remission. I fell pregnant by him in April. I was so excited, in my mid thirties I felt the baby was a miracle, especially as I always believed conceiving a child would be difficult. When I told Ali he distanced himself somewhat and although I understood that he wasn't in the best of health, I couldn't understand his reaction. We decided to go out for breakfast and discuss the baby. I knew he wanted me to terminate it, so I blew up at him and said the most awful things. I went away and booked a termination, I wasn't in a position to look after a baby on my own. I had the abortion and didn't speak to him after that. Five months later in October I had a call to say Ali had passed away.

  • Jaydip by Jaydip
  • 11 years ago

I lost my sister 1 year ago on December 23rd 2012 during a operation and mistake by a doctor. I have her 3 year old daughter now to heal that pain. But my eyes always try to find her in crowe, my ears always try to listen her voice in noises. As I'm a boy I can't cry in front of someone but when I had been alone I can't stop my tears and that's why my family members think that I don't miss her, now how can I tell them that I lost everything of my life?

  • Mary Ann by Mary Ann
  • 11 years ago

My Son was being overworked and trying to get through the day, maybe he was rushing, but there was a problem with the seatbelt on the forklift he was working on. There are rumors that he was driving it with the forks up which is a no no. He was just finishing up for the day when tragedy struck, his forklift tipped over. There was no safety cage to save him. I know he must have tried to jump to save himself, instead he was crushed to death. I don't believe what I've been told, that he didn't know what was happening because it happened so fast. I can hear his last words, ''oh f....''. Today is 4 years and his birthday, and it doesn't get much easier, I don't care what anyone says.

  • Rachel by Rachel, Pennsylvania
  • 11 years ago

My best friend hung himself over me. I'm lost with out him we were dating I don't know what I'm going to do

  • Thandaza by Thandaza
  • 11 years ago

I lost my son when he was month old. I still love and miss him so much that I cry everyday about his loss. Sometimes it helps to be around people because when I am I alone I think of him and start asking myself questions like why God took him so young, does he love me or know the pain I am going through?

  • Lauren by Lauren, UK
  • 12 years ago

I lost my sister nearly 6 years ago on 21st December to anorexia aged 19. I have only just got past the shock part and am now faced with still very raw grief. It gets harder for me the longer she has been gone.. would be nice to chat to others who have lost a sibling and a best friend. She is my angel in the stars although we all want her here so much.. :'(

  • Misty Earnesty by Misty Earnesty
  • 12 years ago

Six years ago on the 13th of October I lost my sister and best friend from cancer. Why is it that people say in time thinks will heal the pain I feel because to me it just seems to get harder and harder. I hate it when I got that call that morning to go to the hospital that it was the end. But I now I will always have a piece of her in my heart and will always have the memories that we have made in the past. Plus I have her five very wonderful kids to help me with this we share the stories about her how she was such a great person. But I know I have to stay strong for them but it hard at times because she was such a loving and caring person. But there is one way that I think of her this is something my grandma would always say to me when you lose someone they are still here because God sends them in angel form to watch over us all and to keep us safe. So at night when the stars come out it's them watching us making sure we are safe and when the wind blows it is them giving us a kiss.

  • Shawn Fox by Shawn Fox
  • 13 years ago

I lost my little brother in a car accident reading this poem gave me life again.

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