Sympathy Poem

This poem was inspired by the untimely death of a young family member. I wrote this poem for the parents of this child because it was the anniversary of his death and I was thinking of them and my emotions came out in these words. I hope this poem will bring some comfort for those who have lost a child.

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My cousin lost a grandchild and the parent failed to explain the cause of death. The only explanation is that the child went out through a gate to the street and when she came back she was...

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A Child Never Forgotten


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2012 with permission of the Author.

our heart was broken
without a warning, no words spoken
you were taken away
someone said you could not stay

empty and lonely is what we are
we lost a precious shining star
our family torn apart
your world began with a promising start

life is unfair
this difficult cross we must bear
strength and courage we will find
our special child always in our mind

a place in heaven is where you sit
looking at that star you lit
in our thoughts forever you will be
never knowing why someone set you free


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  • Thembi by Thembi
  • 11 years ago

My cousin lost a grandchild and the parent failed to explain the cause of death. The only explanation is that the child went out through a gate to the street and when she came back she was vomiting and had a running stomach. The child is 1 year 2 months. What puzzled me is that after 4 hours of that they failed to take the child to the clinic or doctor. They also said she vomited a green piece of something and they cannot say what was it. Her death leaves much questions, this will stay with us for ever. The poem touched me on those basis

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