Sympathy Poem

Comforting Words For Loss Of A Loved One

It is often hard to know just what to say when someone close to us has lost a loved one. Sometimes it is best to give them a hug and say, "He/She will be missed."

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I can relate to your poem a lot. Words of kindness are sincere, and I know they mean well, but at the end of the day you will be reminded of the loss. I lost my mother in 2015, and everyone...

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They Say


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2015 with permission of the Author.

They say I'm sorry for your loss.
They say your heart will mend.
They say you're in a better place
and death is not the end.

They say you're reunited
with loved ones gone before.
They say that you'll be waiting
when I walk through heaven's door.

I feel their love in every word
of comfort they impart
and know that each is spoken
from deep within the heart.

But all the words of comfort,
though kind, sincere, and true,
can't take away the emptiness
I'm feeling without you.


  • Stories 3
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  • Rating 4.46
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Ziyada Kiros by Ziyada Kiros
  • 7 years ago

Will you put candles on my grave
So the first spark between us won't fade?
Will you put flowers on my grave
So you won't forget my scent?
You can't feel my body,
But you feel my soul.
One day our soles will unit
And we'll be together forever.

  • Melissa by Melissa
  • 7 years ago

Your poem expresses what I want to scream! Nothing, no one, or no words can erase the pain of losing your soulmate. I lost the love of my life 5 weeks ago to cancer, sarcoma. I don't want to hear kind words. I only want him back. Thank you for speaking for so many of us.

  • MKH15 by MKH15, Columbus,Ohio
  • 8 years ago

I can relate to your poem a lot. Words of kindness are sincere, and I know they mean well, but at the end of the day you will be reminded of the loss. I lost my mother in 2015, and everyone asks how I feel, and I know they care. I tell them I'm fine, but it's just hard to be because the fact remains that she's gone.

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