Mother Daughter Poem

Tribute To Mother Poem

From a girl to her mother, a lovely tribute to a lovely mother.
To my mother who raised me and was there when I needed her.
I love you!

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Very good usage of words. Rhyming pattern is good and the structure rocks. One of the best I've read so far. Keep on writing more!

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Analysis of Form and Technique

The One


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2006 with permission of the Author.

The one who brought me down to earth
And held me every day.
The one who gracefully gave me birth
And said, I love you in every way.

The one who taught me everything,
Like how to crawl and walk.
The one who taught me how to sing
After learning how to talk.

The one who told me, stay in school
And always play nice.
The one who told me, keep it cool,
And gave me good advice.

The one who taught me how to read
And how to do my math.
The one who taught me how to bead
And told me to take a bath.

The one who lectured, school before a man
And to love one another.
Believe me that this woman
Can be no one but my Mother!


Analysis of Form and Technique

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Techniques this poem uses:

  • This poem has a strong sense of structure. Every other line begins with "The one who." This structure helps the poem read as a tribute to the mother.
    Read more about structure in poetry
  • This poem is made up of quatrains, which are stanzas that have four lines each.
    Read more about stanzas
  • This poem follows the ABAB rhyming pattern. The last words of the first and third lines rhyme, and the last words of the second and fourth lines rhyme.

    The one who told me, stay in school, A
    And always play nice. B
    The one who told me, keep it cool, A
    And gave me good advice. B

    Read more about rhyme schemes

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Temjenic Jamir by Temjenic Jamir
  • 8 years ago

Very good usage of words. Rhyming pattern is good and the structure rocks. One of the best I've read so far. Keep on writing more!

  • Emmanuel Ny Otero by Emmanuel Ny Otero, Kisii-kenya
  • 8 years ago

Great affection develops a mother-child relationship. It reminds me of those mornings in church, the way she made sure she proudly said, "This my boy." I miss those words of affection.

  • Kevan Webb by Kevan Webb
  • 15 years ago

That's the sort of mother I wanted but never had

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