Sickness Poem

Staying Strong With Illness

I am 17 years old. I have been very sick for the last 7 years. I have something called NF1, it makes you very sick at times. I go to a lot of doctors, I have had brain surgery, I can't get out in the heat it makes me really sick. The bad thing about this is my older sister is 18 years old and she's has the same thing. She's always sick, but she loves to draw and can very well. We both are very sick, but the Lord blessed us with other things we can do. I write poems.....and she draws, and we both are living and have a great what more could we ask for?

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Stay strong you'll make it through it's so hard I know it's true, but think of what it will be at the end, a story to tell. You've been through thick and thin and you ask yourself will it...

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Stay Strong


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

I have this illness
that I've suffered from for so long
and I don't know how,
but I've got to find a way to stay strong,
I wish I could get over it really quick
because it's making me go insane
and it hurts when people pick
It just causes so much pain
I just wish I could stay strong
It really bothers me
because I don't know what's wrong
I'm telling myself not to cry
but it's so hard to try
there's got to be a way for me to stay strong

As the days go by
I feel worse and worse
so many things have gone wrong
and it's just so hard to stay strong
I've got to cry
so as the tears run down my eyes
I realized I don't have the strength
to stay strong


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Reaghan by Reaghan, Tennessee
  • 9 years ago

Stay strong you'll make it through it's so hard I know it's true, but think of what it will be at the end, a story to tell. You've been through thick and thin and you ask yourself will it happen again? You don't know the future you can't read a palm, but if you guide your future right, then nothing will go wrong. Stay strong my sister or my brother, you will make it through all life has. Trouble I know that's true, but we'll make it through me and you.

  • Cynthia C. Michigan by Cynthia C. Michigan
  • 12 years ago

This is really touching because I am an 13 year old girl with NF1 and I have never come to terms with it. This is making it a little better. I've been through unimaginable things with this disease.

  • Holly Trundle by Holly Trundle, Welney England
  • 13 years ago

My story is one of good fortune, even though bad things have happened to me at times throughout my life. I have been able to see the silver lining (eventually) for most of the events, and have been made stronger by them.

Six years ago I discovered that I had breast cancer. I had found the lump early enough for it to be removed and for chemotherapy and radiotherapy to rid my body of cancer (we hope!). I had hormone therapy for five years, because the tumor had used my estrogen as junk food to make it grow faster.

I lost my hair, my passive diplomatic personality, some of my stamina, and some hearing quality.
I managed not to lose my life or the pleasure of raising my two sons.

I gained friends, a greater appreciation of life and the wonder of the world around me, lots of inches on my waistline, wavy hair instead of straight, a reason to write poetry and the courage to share it with others.

  • Ronney Rasmusson by Ronney Rasmusson, Littlerock CA
  • 14 years ago

Hey my name is Ronney I am 15 years of age I'm really touched by your poem. It fits my struggle really well. Even though I'm not sick like the way you are, my past makes me feel the same way. its really hard to go through life so hurt but I do it anyways.

  • Lisa by Lisa, Onatrio Canada
  • 14 years ago

Great poem, I'm sure it's not easy being in such a difficult life, but its nice to see that your using your strengths (i.e. writing poems) to let out how your feeling. It's a very touching poem..

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