Abuse Poem

The Impact Of Secrets

I was sexually abused, I did not tell anyone that until 7 years later, although it's no longer a secret anymore, there are a lot of things that I would never dream of saying. I've recently started counselling and have realized there is a lot of weight that comes with those secrets. I've never felt able to voice the details of my abuse and those secrets will forever haunt me.

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Poisoned Secrets

© more by Alisha Ford

Published by Family Friend Poems April 1, 2024 with permission of the Author.

Bodies contaminated, tainted by his sin,
Trapped in cycles, impossible to win.
Forced into silence, bearing heavy weight,
Burdened by shame, consumed by hate.

His secrets, like poison, pollute the mind,
A toxic legacy, leaving souls confined.
A heavy burden, a relentless toll,
Dragging us down, consuming our soul.

Indecent secrets, festering despair,
A forced silence drowning in air.
His selfish poison seeps deep within,
Engulfing darkness, suffocating skin.

His secrets fester, gnaw at the core,
Consuming spirits, leaving them sore.
Forever imprisoned by his deceit,
A constant shadow, a bitter defeat.

more by Alisha Ford

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