Death Of Partner Poem

Poem About Missing Dead Boyfriend

This is based on a true story that happened in my dear love Josh had to pass away...I hope he had his best 28 years in his life ɛ I love you Josh always be there for me. Now, I'm 45 and I still miss my dream. I will always think of him!

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Gary, I loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. You were my soul and inspiration. You're the reason for me living, laughing, loving and now crying. I wish I would've listened when you...

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Published by Family Friend Poems August 2012 with permission of the Author.

I look at the rain, think of the happiness
It just doesn't work...
All the nice things you've done for me...
What did I do for you?
I just wanna get your body out of that tiny chamber of yours
and see your beautiful face one last time.
I look at everyone in black.
I don't see a smile around...
My heart is pounding...
My tears are pouring...
I was about to say yes...
I would walking down the aisle right now...
But someone had to shoot you before I even answered.
But I will NOT find a new lover.
I will always have feelings.
For you.
You're in my dreams, my mind, even my nightmares
I know you're right next to me, right here, right now
Reading this poem with me that I made...
You smiled and vanished.
That was the best moment of my life.
I guess life is over for you..
I suddenly faint...
With a heart attack...
I die with you.
I'll meet you in Heaven, or Hell.
I don't care as long as we're together.
But I didn't get to see you again, surprisingly
as I got back up from my 5 minute death
Our relationship will be nonstop.
Nothing can come between it,
I wouldn't cry if you left me,
I'd die from depression.
I hear voices in my head
It's you!
You say you love me, and stay to stay right here on Earth...
I agreed, and continued with life.
But always know, I would die if our love...would be gone
Darling, I love only you.
We were the perfect two ɛ


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Faye Doucet by Faye Doucet
  • 8 years ago

Gary, I loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. You were my soul and inspiration. You're the reason for me living, laughing, loving and now crying. I wish I would've listened when you said come get me cause maybe you would be here today. In life I loved you dearly; in death I love you more. A golden heart stopped beating the day God called you home. You'll always be in my heart and on my mind reminding me of the love you left behind. I miss you so much, baby. I've got 3 beautiful memories that you gave me, and I hold them dearly to my heart (our kids).

  • Ashley Hernandez by Ashley Hernandez, Haines City Florida
  • 10 years ago

This is what I felt when my mate was shot. He wasn't supposed to get hit. They were after me and he got in the way. I never forgave myself for his death, it was all my fault for joining the gang. First time I met him I was supposed to kill him, just to be in the gang. But when I saw him I couldn't do it and went back to face my punishment for not doing my job. The next time I got to know him when the bullies tried to hurt me, he protected me. Everyday of every minute we would be together never wasting a moment. I've spent 4 years without him and I just turned 15 years old.

  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 12 years ago

This is awesome! There's truly nothing like this! I hope you feel better!

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