Death Of Partner Poem

Would Do Anything To Just Have You Back Alive Poem

I wrote this poem for the love of my life who over dosed on ecstasy, and I would do anything to just have him back in my arms again.

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December 16, 2018, was when God decided to take him away from me. I can't eat, I can't sleep, all I can think of is him and our memories. His death really affected my health. I feel...

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Broken Hearts


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2008 with permission of the Author.

You left this world
Leaving my broken heart to mend
I try to get over you
But your soul is flying in the wind
So it's going to be like this
'Til the end.

So I think about you every day
You're what made up my life
I honestly thought I'd make a great wife
It just can't be this way
I feel like you stabbed me in the heart
With a newly sharpened knife.

When I think of your smile
I get a lovely smile on my face
I talk to you for a while
And my heart begins to race
People can't calm me down
And my mind slowly goes erase.

I love you
And I always will
You'll always be on my mind
And now it's cold as steal
So sorry baby
Why does this have to be real?

It's already over
So why bother to try
You make me so sad
All I want to do is cry
I will never forget you
But all I can say is bye.


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  • Thabitha Ditlhareng by Thabitha Ditlhareng
  • 5 years ago

December 16, 2018, was when God decided to take him away from me. I can't eat, I can't sleep, all I can think of is him and our memories. His death really affected my health. I feel depressed. The anger in me is too much. I want to be left alone. I feel like the world has turned against me. So many questions but no answers. I'm all alone. Seeing your pictures, our pictures, makes me feel like you are somewhere out there, waiting for you to come back to me. Your death really changed me. I miss your smile and your voice that I used to get lost in. I'm still in the denial phase. Please come back. I need you.

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