Brother Death Poem

I lost my youngest brother suddenly. I couldn't sleep one night, so I wrote this poem to read at his service. He was born on my 5th birthday and we always joked around that we couldn't ever get rid of each other. I would say, "I can't lose you, can't break you, can't sell you at a yard sale, and I can't throw you away, so we're stuck with each other." He would say the same. If I only knew I would lose him so suddenly to death. 10/14/1970 to 08/09/2018

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I lost the closest person to baby brother, Bronson. We were only 13 months apart. We were best friends from the day he was born. We could talk without talking! (Our mom hated it)...

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For My Brother

Shelly Domenici © more by Shelly Domenici

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2018 with permission of the Author.

You left without
Gone so fast.
Now all we have
Are memories
Of our past.

You are loved by so many.
You might not
Have known,
But in our hearts
Is where
You have grown.

The memories
I have throughout
The years
Will last
forever with
Laughter and tears.

We shared our
Since I was five.
My wish now will be
To have you back healthy
And alive.

I will miss you
Oh so much.
So will all
The lives that
You have

I can't say goodbye.
I can't accept
Your death.
You will live in my heart
Until my last breath.



I have been writing poems for years. I haven't written one for about 4 years. When my youngest brother passed away suddenly in August this year took me and my family for a loop. So a couple day after his death I just couldn't sleep so I got out my notebook and pen and began writhing when done I had wrote the poem. I read it at his...

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Joseph Lopez by Joseph Lopez
  • 2 years ago

On March 3, I lost my 6th brother. We are 7 brothers. Gene was the 6th one. No one would suspect that it would be you, Gene. We miss you, brother! We cannot understand your passing. You left us with your wife, son, daughter, and your first grandson. You will always be missed. Your birthday is coming up, and we will grieve again. But we know you are resting in the presence of our Lord. God got a hard worker with a good work ethic.

  • Angelique Vondall by Angelique Vondall
  • 2 years ago

I lost the closest person to baby brother, Bronson. We were only 13 months apart. We were best friends from the day he was born. We could talk without talking! (Our mom hated it) lol. This past April made 4 years since I held his hand and watched him as he took his last breath. He passed from heart failure. He was only 30 years old. I've had to learn how to live a whole new life. A life I never wanted to know, which is a life without my brother! I miss him so much and wish I could just have him back! Thankfully, I know he is still with me as he shows up every time I need him when I'm least expecting him to! He will forever be missed! I'm sorry for all of you that have to share the pain of losing a brother. It's the worst, and my heart goes out to each and every one of you! Thank you so much for the poem!

  • Jay R by Jay R
  • 2 years ago

It's been a whole long year and a half since I lost my youngest brother at 27 years old. My baby brother and I were closer to each other than we were to our other brother and sister, me being the oldest and him the youngest. I used to put him to bed when he was an infant, and he loved when I would read him bedtime stories. He always looked up to me, and that was the reason I would push myself to be the best I could be 'cause I knew my brother was following my footsteps. The day he took his last breath at the hospital from an overdose, I held his hand and told him over and over how much I loved him and reminded him of his promise to never leave me because of prior suicide attempts. But this time, death caught him off guard and he passed unexpectedly. It was what felt like the worst day of my life, and I just knew I wouldn't be able to push forward in life without my brother. To this day I am still so heartbroken and lost without him. I ask God every day to please take care of my baby bro.

  • Ali Glass by Ali Glass
  • 3 years ago

I lost my brother 11 years ago, so I understand your pain. It may seem at the moment that you can't go on with life, but believe me, you can. It just takes time. For me, I can't stop wondering why it had to happen to me and what have I done for this to happen to me. But you can do it, I know you can. Even though you feel helpless, you aren't.

  • Marybeth Johnson by Marybeth Johnson
  • 4 years ago

Your poem touched my heart. I lost my younger brother way too soon. We didn’t share the same birthday, but we did share the same birth date (21st). He was born in May. I was born in September. At his service, I sang a song that was in regards to how I couldn’t say goodbye. I can’t accept his death. It was a motorcycle accident that left him on life support. I stayed by his side for a week. We finally agreed to take him off. He would not want to live that way. He was a good man, great father, and the best brother. His last words to me were, “You’re a good sister, and I love you.” At the hospital, so many people came to see him. I never knew how many people loved him. He touched many lives. He was in Alcoholics Anonymous and was sober for 16 years. In those 16 years, he helped so many. I’ll never understand why he was taken and I was left. I miss him so much. I’ll always love you, Steve. Thank you for everything you gave me. You’ll be cherished for always. Thank you for the beautiful words in this poem.

  • Elizabeth Miles by Elizabeth Miles
  • 5 years ago

My youngest brother died in Jan 17. He had been ill for over 8 months with cancer, and because I did not get on with his wife, she had sworn all their friends to secrecy not to let me know how ill he was. Then I was not told that he had died. On the day of his funeral, a member of the family felt so bad for keeping such a secret from me, so she phoned me and told that my brother had been buried that same day. He was more like a son to me as our mother passed away before his first birthday so I had brought him up as a baby. There were 10 years between us. he was in his 63rd year when he passed away. Some people often wondered why I did not get on with his wife...say no more.

  • Jim Borha by Jim Borha
  • 5 years ago

My brother was born on August 18, 1998. His name was Biki, and he left this world on May 14, 2018. It was a very unlucky day for our family. He was just 19 years when he died. It is very difficult to accept that he is no more. He was my real hero. Now we have to stay with his memory. Biki, I love you.

  • Neelam by Neelam
  • 5 years ago

I miss you so much, bro. He was also born in 1998, and he left me and my family in 2017. Without you, our family is incomplete. Come back, bro.

  • Inhle by Inhle
  • 5 years ago

My brother was born on September 27, 1999. His name was Makhosini, and he left this world on the 31st of July 2018. It still feels unreal. I miss him every day, every hour. I wish someone would just wake me up from this bad dream.

  • Loren N Womack by Loren N Womack
  • 5 years ago

My baby brother was also born in 1998 and passed away in October 2017. He was also 19 years old when he passed. His name was Trinnen. Those beautiful souls journeyed here for a short period of time to teach us so much. Their legacy shall live on.

It is a pain that is unexplainable. You see, I had lost my father in June, my uncle in July, then my baby brother in August. Then in December I lost my mom, which has just shattered my heart. I'm so sorry for your loss. My heart, pain, and prayers are with you and your family. God bless you, and thank you for sharing your story.

  • Rotenda Gavhi by Rotenda Gavhi
  • 5 years ago

I lost my little brother who was born on the day before my 16th birthday. He was very cute and handsome. I loved him deeply.

  • Sheila L by Sheila L
  • 5 years ago

I just lost my younger brother on 5-4-19. I was reading poems looking for something to share at my brother's services, as I do not see myself with your same gift. I read your poem and wanted to share it too. Your poem truly inspired me! Thank you so very much!

So sorry for your loss. You can share my poem whenever you'd like. Thank you so much for sharing it. I'm glad that it inspired you. Brought a smile to my face.

  • Kenosi Jojo by Kenosi Jojo
  • 6 years ago

This poem hits home. My loss was my older brothers. Years have passed, but still that pain remains. Memories of them creep in every day, but still it hurts to be reminded of the loss my family went through.

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