Death Of Partner Poem

Poem On First Anniversary Of Boyfriend's Passing

This is for Jordan. I wrote it to mark the first anniversary of his passing...I lost my boyfriend in a car accident November 24, 2009. He was 18. He watches over all of us each, and every day and I hope he will protect me for the rest of my life. His smile, touch and presence will live on in all of us. He will never be forgotten, ever. We all love you, Jordan Stuart Banner. Your legend will live on...

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I feel for you. It's very unexpected. I, too, lost my fiance on 9/9/17. It was the most difficult thing I have been through. He had back surgery in August and contracted an infection that...

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Guardian Angel


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2013 with permission of the Author.

You were so beautiful
In every way.
So amazingly wonderful,
I think of you every day.

This is so hard to believe.
I miss you so much,
All there is to do is grieve.
Can't call, text or touch.

I know you're no longer here,
It's so hard to say.
Every now and then I cry a little tear.
Then I remember you're with me every day.

Not in sight, sound or touch
But always in presence,
I know you'll always watch.
You'll always leave me with your beautiful presence.

You were my soul mate,
We both knew.
Nothing can prevent fate,
Not even me or you.

I'll always love you.
I promise to never forget
The boy who was so true
And left no regret.

I don't believe your life was short.
As your father once told me,
This world is an airport,
And you, my sweetheart, have flown free.

Off to a new start,
A whole new world,
Always in my heart,
All tattered and curled.

Give us a big smile,
Even though we're all hurt.
We all live our lives in a different style.
Knowing you're resting is our only comfort.

You were my world,
My absolute all.
Now my heart has been swirled.
I promise to never fall.

My life is dedicated to you.
I'll live my life,
just have to start anew.
You'll help me; I know it's true.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • RisperLieraKageni by RisperLieraKageni
  • 4 years ago

My boyfriend parted ways with me. For me, it felt like he died. It has been two years, and I still want him. I still want to date a guy who looks like him, and I have not seen him. To me, I feel like I buried him. I still want to hug him, kiss him, and see him dance his funny moves. Every time I close my eyes, I see you.

  • Ciara Cotter by Ciara Cotter
  • 6 years ago

I recently lost my boyfriend to a short battle with melanoma. I never got to say goodbye because the doctors assured me he would be okay. I left the hospital at 10pm on a Monday night and by 7am Tuesday morning he had had numerous seizures and was now non-verbal. Not being able to to say goodbye to my best friend was devastating, and I know you understand. Your poem is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  • Andrea M by Andrea M
  • 6 years ago

I lost my fiance and his father 02/03/2013 in a car accident. I am still working through the pain of him not coming home. He was an amazing father and my best friend. As my life moves forward, I can only imagine what our life would be like today, 6 years later. I am also living with the guilt of living, as I was supposed to be with them that evening. I decided to stay home and am living with that as well.
Thank you and blessings,

  • Edith by Edith
  • 6 years ago

I recently lost my fiance on October 31, 2018. I feel like when he left he took a part of me. I feel like my life will never be the same. He was the love of my life, my best friend, and my soulmate! I was supposed to move in with him the week he passed away. All my stuff was packed in my car already. He passed away due to a hyperthyroidism storm due to pneumonia.

  • Khadija by Khadija
  • 7 years ago

I lost my fiance 9/11/17. He showed me true love. I was going to marry him in a few days, but God took his soul in a car accident. I'll never forget him in my life. My heart is broken. I can't forget him. Love you forever!

  • Rajashree Pattnaik by Rajashree Pattnaik
  • 7 years ago

The day I lost mine was the darkest day of my life. He suffered from blood cancer. We had fought with it and thought we succeeded. We were going to marry soon. I am nothing without him. But suddenly my world changed when he left me all alone. But I am always feeling him all around me. I am literally talking with him and receiving signs from him. I am still searching for him in every corner of my life. This Valentine he is still with me, and I am gonna see him one day for sure. I love you. Love you till the end.

  • Cate Eldridge by Cate Eldridge
  • 7 years ago

I feel for you. It's very unexpected. I, too, lost my fiance on 9/9/17. It was the most difficult thing I have been through. He had back surgery in August and contracted an infection that went septic. To see someone pass of that is devastating. It's violent, and I was with him through it all. I know exactly how you feel. It's surreal, and I cannot believe he is gone. I wait to see him walk through the door. I watch videos I have where sometimes it's just the sound of his voice. He was my best friend, my love, my soulmate, and no one will ever replace him. Just remember, they remain with us. And as long as we remember and share and speak their names they will never truly be gone. We laugh at the jokes they'd love and we live our lives in grace to make them proud. And we will reunite with them again one day! God's blessing and grace be with you. I hope you find peace.

  • Elenj by Elenj, Perth Australia
  • 9 years ago

This is so sad!! Thank you for sharing this poem! It made me cry and I don't even know you... I send my love and support to you, your family and his family and friends.

  • Homer Glen Il by Homer Glen Il
  • 10 years ago

Thank you for sharing this poem. I lost my boyfriend just recently 6/9/14. I took him to the hospital to have a emergency surgery and they couldn't keep his blood pressure up after the surgery. I'm lost with out him. We were going to move into a newer place together the end of June. My best friend that I have known for over 12 years and dated 3 1/2 years is no longer there. I don't know how to live without the love of my life. He was always there for me. I know he still is, but in a different way. RIP my love. Miss him so much.

  • Teresa Smalls by Teresa Smalls, /cg
  • 9 years ago

I lost my beloved boyfriend over 20 years ago. He died of congested heart failure. I was blessed to marry a good man that I have been with for over 19 years now. I know the pain seems unbearable and you feel as though you will never love again but one day you will. Remember your loved one would want only happiness for you. He does not want you to be miserable while he is enjoying being with our Lord and Savior. Read Psalm 88:18, it is the bible verse that I had engraved on Kenny's grave ledger and I closed it with "Rest in peace, My Love, Teresa.

  • Shanna D. Pressley by Shanna D. Pressley, Nicholson, GA
  • 10 years ago

Thank you for an inspiring poem. I lost my fiancée 11/13/2013. He was my true love and I'll never forget him. I also lost him in a car accident he was only 23. We had been together little over four years. I'll miss always.

  • Pilly Mmirie by Pilly Mmirie
  • 10 years ago

I lost my man on 18.03.14. The pain in me is too much but knowing that I'm not alone, that there are also other people who understand my pain makes it easier.

  • Brandy by Brandy
  • 7 years ago

When I met him, I knew he was my partner. I felt really good when I was around him, and he always wanted to make sure that I was happy and comfortable. He died in a car accident on February 22, 2018. I am in pain. My heart is aching, and I feel so alone. I miss him so much. I love you, Sweetie.

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