Poem for Her

This is for my girl whom I love heaps....

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I have a girl that I love so much and we were to meet on her birthday but something came up and I couldn't make it. She has been mad at me ever since and I have tried to make up to her but...

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Our Love For You My Princess


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2009 with permission of the Author.

Love is not a thing you get a lot
but love the girl you have got...
she is always there to care for you
the thing we have is oh so true...

She is so sweet and kind
and she's the only girl on my mind...
our love is not a game
we love each other just the same...

She is my princess and my life
I can't wait for the day to make her my wife...
then I can be with her 24/7
and she is the girl that I take to heaven...



  • Stories 4
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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Nikspuky Cruz Mwaura by Nikspuky Cruz Mwaura, Kenya
  • 11 years ago

I have a girl that I love so much and we were to meet on her birthday but something came up and I couldn't make it. She has been mad at me ever since and I have tried to make up to her but she pushes me away, should I let her go? ;-( please help

  • Jawad by Jawad, Greece
  • 12 years ago

I love a girl but she is so confused with our situation and I can't understand her with her different feelings and emotions please help me with my love <3.

  • Charlotte NC by Charlotte NC
  • 12 years ago

My days are spent thinking of you. When you said we have issues, I know that to be true. Let us not be discouraged or saddened, let us not be joyful despite what may happen. Our love is stronger than steel, that being said, this has to be real. Every night I lay thinking of you my sweet wife. The next day I awake with new life. I fall for you everyday. Know that I love you, despite what I may say. I breathe for you, I live for you, my dear love, if you only knew, how much I love you.

  • Mckenzy by Mckenzy, Baraboo
  • 14 years ago

This poem reminds me of my sister's boyfriend, but he would never right a poem, but he is just so sweet.

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