Poem for Her

This was written for my girlfriend whom I love dearly. I'm a regular 24-year-old fella who has a soft touch for poetry. I hope readers enjoy it and get a sense of feeling from what I have written.

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My girlfriend's name is Fereshte, and she is in the hospital. We are far, far away because she lives in the city I used to live before. Right now we are thousands of kilometers away, but our...

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My Angel, My Girlfriend


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2008 with permission of the Author.

Some people believe there is one,
The one who points your way to the sun.
A person they believe makes them complete,
The one who will support when facing defeat.

You are my angel, my one and only,
My forever love, so we'll never be lonely.
You've brought to my life all your love and care.
It made me see when I realized how rare
It is to meet your angel, or their lifetime one,
Through you and my children, whose life has begun.

What you've done, you've illuminated my soul.
It's you and your love that has made me whole.
The feel of your love, your soft touch and caress,
We're tight, so close; your heart beats in my chest.

All that we have always felt missing before.
Though I love you today, tomorrow it will be more.
Our love is life; we are the strongest tree,
Which will always grow forever, like you and me.

You have opened my heart and held it so dear.
You are my angel and will always keep it near.
You have seen my ups and cared when I was low.
You are my angel; I just need you to know.

You entered my life through a ray of sun above,
And when we leave, we will leave together in love.
My love for you has become my reason to be.
I hope one day you'll find your angel in me.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Tyler by Tyler
  • 9 months ago

My girlfriend loves when I read this poem to her. It helps her sleep. I love her so much and she is truly my angel and the one I want to be with forever and ever.

  • Joe Jortrase by Joe Jortrase
  • 6 years ago

I love this poem SO MUCH. I love my dear angel girlfriend more than anything in the whole wide world and universe. I read this poem into her precious little ear every night before we go to sleep and have sweet happy dreams, and she goes to bed knowing she is the most precious, prettiest angel in the whole galaxy.

  • Darren by Darren
  • 7 years ago

This is really nice. I've just started going out with a girl, and I know she's the one for me.

  • Saeed by Saeed
  • 7 years ago

My girlfriend's name is Fereshte, and she is in the hospital. We are far, far away because she lives in the city I used to live before. Right now we are thousands of kilometers away, but our love is as powerful as always. She is sick, very sick, and no doctors are able to diagnose her illness. My heart is pumping because of her and I am so sad for her. I work 360 hours every month and send her all the money so she can be cured. Your poem touched me so deeply and made me cry. I hope all the people across the globe could find their loved ones and no one suffers from watching their love ones.
Love from Iran.

  • Skye MacAllister by Skye MacAllister
  • 5 years ago

How is your sweet Fereshte? Did doctors find out what is wrong with her? Have you been able to join her? I will be praying for the two of you. My love is also very far away, and I am so sad we are apart. Having visa problems. I give you all the encouragement I can. God's love and blessings on you.

  • Kumaren South Africa Durban by Kumaren South Africa Durban
  • 10 years ago

I've seen a lot of different poems before, I even wrote a few myself... But this one got me thinking it has the perfect love story... It teaches you what love is all about and seeing this just made my day. I'll use it to lead me to a brighter day....

  • Preyeshan South Africa Durban by Preyeshan South Africa Durban
  • 10 years ago

Best poem ever , I'm having problems trying to find my loved one but I'm sure in time this poem will surely help me. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Thank you.

  • Andy Purdy by Andy Purdy
  • 10 years ago

Oh. My. God. I don't usually read poetry but I must say you have really done it there is so much feeling in this poem and it really captures ones heart. Bravo. Well done. Amazing.

  • Benjike by Benjike, Belgium
  • 11 years ago

Wow man, I'm not that easily touched, but you did it!
You've given me the inspiration I needed to start writing again, so thanks!

  • Kirk Boyne by Kirk Boyne
  • 11 years ago

Thank you Rick. Although I am a songwriter/musician
I could not have said it any better. I have met my angel, after my wife passed away and she is everything in this poem. May I have your permission to put this to music? Such beautiful words should be sung to an angel.

  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 11 years ago

This is the very first poem I came across, and it spoke to me. I always tell my girl she is my angel, that she was my ray of hope in my dark life. This poem just hit so close to heart.

  • Adrian Howard by Adrian Howard, Puerto Rico
  • 11 years ago

I send this to my angel, and she broke into tears from happiness. This is my personal favorite. Love it!

  • Newtown by Newtown, Dominica
  • 11 years ago

This poem will let my girlfriend love me for who I am now

  • Cody Todd by Cody Todd
  • 13 years ago

I love that poem I just told my girlfriend this and she loves it she is my angel, my light, my everything. I could not have done better than that.

  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 14 years ago

This is a beautiful poem, I like it a lot. I sent this to my girlfriend because she is my angel, and I couldn't have written a better poem if I tried.

love you baby~

  • Chausiku Jumbe by Chausiku Jumbe
  • 14 years ago

This is the poem that I like most, I'm giving a congratulation to the one who write this, and it touch my soul as the way touched her, I feel like she write this for me, I really like your poem very very much. all the best

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