Poem for Her

Love's First Words

I'm in love with a girl, but she doesn't see it, and I want her to, so I wrote this.

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Beautiful poem. I love it. One of my favorite poems from Familyfriendspoems.com .

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Analysis of Form and Technique

My Melody

© more by Eric Pribyl

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2010 with permission of the Author.

Amazing and beautiful,
not a flower or a tree.
Much prettier than that,
and only I can see.

Loving and caring
right down to the core.
Filling me with happiness
and so much more.

Eyes are so stunning,
cannot look away.
Gorgeous and shining
all throughout the day.

Here in your arms
is where I belong.
The beating of your heart
is like a beautiful song.


Analysis of Form and Technique

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Techniques this poem uses:

  • The author uses adjectives to convey the ideas in this poem. An adjective is a part of speech that describes nouns (people, places, or things).

    amazing, beautiful, loving, caring, stunning, gorgeous, shining

    Read more about adjectives
  • This poem is made up of quatrains, which are 4 line stanzas.
    Read more about stanzas
  • This poem follows the ABCB rhyming pattern. The last words of the second and fourth lines in each stanza rhyme with each other.

    Amazing and beautiful A
    not a flower or a tree B
    Much prettier than that C
    and only I can see B

    Read more about rhyme schemes

More Poems with Analysis of Form and Technique

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Solaris by Solaris
  • 2 years ago

My ex-boyfriend showed me this poem when we were dating, and I loved it so much. I still think it's a beautiful poem; it just makes me have this crappy feeling and makes me rethink everything about our relationship, but I know he will always matter to me. J, you are someone of few words, but I believe you will always have a piece of my heart.

  • Mentor Exhibit by Mentor Exhibit
  • 8 years ago

This is exactly what I'm going through. I love my girl for she is so special with countless beauty but she doesn't understand my feelings. Thanks for this beautiful poem, I pray to read this to her.

  • Jo A. Sparkes by Jo A. Sparkes
  • 8 years ago

This poem was written from the heart, so is easily identifiable to the reader.
Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder as we all know !

  • Arun S. Raj by Arun S. Raj, BANGALORE, KARNATAKA, INDIA
  • 8 years ago

As beautiful as your love. Made me to anticipate a few more lines. But short is more sweet. Congrats.

  • Brittany Rivera by Brittany Rivera
  • 8 years ago

Beautiful poem. I love it. One of my favorite poems from Familyfriendspoems.com .

  • Cathryn A. Roach by Cathryn A. Roach, Safford, AZ
  • 9 years ago

This is so beautiful and I love it because this is how I feel sometimes.

  • Isaac Ahrens by Isaac Ahrens
  • 9 years ago

I was in love and the girl did not like me back. We were the closest of friends and about a week after she rejected me, she found a guy. It was months afterward and we were still not together and so, we were talking and lying next to each other her in my arms. I read her this poem and she smiled at me. We leaned in and kissed and now we're a happy couple.

  • Ankur Khandelwal by Ankur Khandelwal, Bangalore
  • 9 years ago

I read this poem and sent to a girl which I like. She liked it and became my girlfriend. Thank you so much for this poem.

  • Nikhil Nayan by Nikhil Nayan, New Delhi
  • 9 years ago

I tried this poem on a girl I love and now she is my girlfriend. These are awesome lines to make the momentum of love.

  • Thomas Eslick by Thomas Eslick, Alaska
  • 9 years ago

It's a wonderful poem; it made my girlfriend speechless, which isn't easy.

  • Rafael by Rafael, California
  • 10 years ago

I met my current girlfriend, we talked during the end of 10th grade and I would always see her at school and never say hi but I always thought she was so beautiful till she talked to me and since that day I knew I loved this girl. We broke up for a while and then came back together, my love for her never faded and hopefully never will. With this being said if you love someone go get her and make her happy. No one else, you got to be the one that makes her smile.

  • Naveen Kumar by Naveen Kumar, India
  • 10 years ago

I read it and send this message to my baby.. She accepted my proposal... I'm so happy and lucky.

  • Ethan by Ethan
  • 10 years ago

I feel like my heart is stuck in bumper to bumper. Just like Ariana Grande. I miss the one I love true fully HELP I'M GOING CRAZY

  • Misty Melody by Misty Melody
  • 13 years ago

omg this is so sweet. I wish a guy wrote this to me especially because my last name is melody:)) great job!

  • Drake Shadowalker by Drake Shadowalker, Chicago
  • 13 years ago

Eric thank you very much you helped me a lot!!!!!

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