Best Friend Poem

Poem Celebrating A Lifelong Friendship

I wrote this poem because I love my friends.

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We will always be friends right till the end. Life might be hard, but you'll always have a place in my heart. I love you like a sister. When we fall out, I count to three 1..2..3 and you'll...

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Our Friendship


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2016 with permission of the Author.

I met you as a stranger, then took you as my friend.
Our friendship is something that will never end.
When I was in darkness that needed some light,
You came to me and hugged me tight.

You took my hands and dried my tears.
You woke me up to end my fears.
You took my hand and made me see
That God has a special plan for me.

You helped me laugh
When I was sad.
You made me tough
When I felt bad.

Our friendship made me see the light.
Our friendship showed to me what was right.
I hope our friendship will never bend.
I hope our friendship will never end.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Kacy by Kacy
  • 5 years ago

We will always be friends right till the end. Life might be hard, but you'll always have a place in my heart. I love you like a sister. When we fall out, I count to three 1..2..3 and you'll come back to me, and that's our story.

  • Veronica by Veronica
  • 8 years ago

The poem touched me a lot. It was like the writer was describing my friendship with my best friend who I only met 5 years ago. Thank you for your words.

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