Growing Up Poem

Dad's Wish To Savor Childhood

In this beautiful poem which tugs at the heart, a father relishes his time with his child knowing he'll be grown up and gone only too quickly.

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I think this is one of the coolest ways to express a dad's love. It's not expressed in the same monotonous lament where some will cry for and some will not. This poem will definitely make any...

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Can I Carry You?


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2006 with permission of the Author.

I guess that I can hold you
one more time before you grow
and tell you that I love you
so that you will always know.

Please let me tie your shoe again.
One day you'll tie your own.
And when you think back to this time,
I hope it's love I've shown.

Can I help you put your coat on?
Can I please cut up your meat?
Can I pull you in the wagon?
Can I pick you out a treat?

One day you might just care for me,
so let me care for you.
I want to be a part
of every little thing you do.

Tonight could I please wash your hair?
Can I put toys in the bath?
Can I help you count your small ten toes
before I teach you math?

Before you join a baseball team
can I pitch you one more ball?
And one more time can I stand near
to make sure you don't fall?

Let's take another space-ship ride
Up to the Planet Zoor.
Before our Cardboard Rocket
doesn't fit us anymore.

Please let me help you up the hill
while you're still too small to climb.
And let me read you stories
while you're young and have the time.

I know the day will come
when you will do these things alone.
Will you recall the shoulder rides
and all the balls we've thrown?

I want you to grow stronger
than your Dad could ever be.
And when you find success,
there will be no soul more proud than me.

So will you let me carry you?
One day you'll walk alone.
I cannot bear to miss one day
from now until you've grown.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Ocheje Michael by Ocheje Michael
  • 4 years ago

The poem makes me miss being young, I think I grew old too fast. At 25, my parents aren't seeing me as their little cherished boy anymore. Now I'm faced with many responsibilities. I miss being young.

  • Kaveendra by Kaveendra, sri Lanka
  • 6 years ago

I think this is one of the coolest ways to express a dad's love. It's not expressed in the same monotonous lament where some will cry for and some will not. This poem will definitely make any rigid, stubborn girl or boy cry, or at least think twice about their parents. Even a dad could cry for this too...tying the shoe lace of the daughter was something very nostalgic for any child. I honestly wanted to scream out loud and say, "Daddy, I love you," after reading this poem...

  • Amber M. Scholtec by Amber M. Scholtec
  • 6 years ago

Yes, we all grow up. This poem hit home for me, simply because as the only daughter in the middle of two brothers, my parents made sure our childhood was filled with love and adventure. After becoming successful myself, at the young age of 35 years old, no children nor a man, I was plagued with 3 non-curable diseases, one after another all within a year. I pretty much lost everything, except for my will. My parents have been carrying me since and will continue, until I can be back on my own two feet. To where then... I will be carrying them!

  • Mulei Cornelius Muthama by Mulei Cornelius Muthama
  • 6 years ago

This poem is so touching. You may think it was written yesterday. It reminds me of what I miss from my father. He represented that object of fear, always on your toes when he was around. I loved him, but I wish he could reciprocate. This poem is relevant to all young fathers and fathers to be. These small things I wish to do for my child/children to make them happy. It is such a wonderful poem. Keep writing.

  • Sofia Montoya by Sofia Montoya
  • 8 years ago

This poem was very touching! I just cannot stop crying. I really miss the days when I was little. Now I feel that my parents do not want to listen or to talk to me. I wished I still thought of them as perfect heroes but I donĀ“t.

  • DragonMPhantom by DragonMPhantom, Ontario Canada
  • 10 years ago

I love this poem! It's so touching. I don't have any kids, but I'm moving for college in a few months and this poem actually made me want to cry. I really do miss those times.
I really want to use it in my poetry paper, but I can't find the author, can someone please help me?

  • Arjun Bhanushali by Arjun Bhanushali
  • 11 years ago

I love this poem. I am using this for my cousins project. Surely it will touch teachers heart because of its real meanings. Such great poem must be shared with every adult......

  • Magziez by Magziez
  • 11 years ago

I love this poem! I am using for a school assignment and my English teacher loves it! :D Keep writing more and more!
<3 xoxo

  • Christie by Christie, Aurora
  • 11 years ago

I have a high functioning Autistic daughter and was just looking around for something to express my reservations, concerns and joy at her becoming a "woman" this evening. Though she stands as tall as an average size woman, she's got the heart and soul of a nine year old. Needless to say, this has been very difficult for both of us. I happened to run across your poem and I have to admit the tears flowed freely but a I felt a level of relief and comfort from your words. I'm not sure exactly why and I chose not to decipher or over analyze the moment. Simply stated, you moved my heart and soul and put into words the things my heart was crying for. Thank you!

  • Jane by Jane
  • 12 years ago

I love this poem to bits! I'm using it for my English project at school, so the whole of my class can know the poem and spread it. The whole world should know this poem. It will stay in my heart forever. Thank you so much!

  • George Cathey by George Cathey
  • 12 years ago

Really love it! I could write for hours and days about why it touches me so -- but I will instead take your advice, and go hug my kids! Thank you.

  • Marilyn by Marilyn
  • 13 years ago

This is a great poem and it made me want to go cuddle with all of my grandchildren who think they are now too old to be cuddled .

  • Tonota by Tonota, Botswana
  • 13 years ago

Beautiful poem, it reminded me of my childhood, my face brightness every time I think about how I was taken care of. To all parents: the little things you do for your kids will be the source of their happiness someday.

  • Atlanta Ga by Atlanta Ga
  • 14 years ago

Thanks for sharing such a beautiful and touching poem. I am a seventy plus proud grandmom with one grand child who will be three years old in about two months. I shall proudly share your poem with my husband and son for enjoyment, thoughts, inspiration and appreciation.

  • Chris by Chris, Chandler
  • 14 years ago

Sometimes things touch you and this is one of them. I have read this poem a dozen times and each time I cry.
I have 2 young boys 4 and 8. As soon as I get home from work I am going to hug them and carry them and lavish them with attention. It won't be much different from any other night for them but for me it will be special. I know they cannot stay with me forever, sometimes I wish they could.

  • Bridget by Bridget, USA
  • 14 years ago

oh my gosh I am crying. this really touched me. thanks you :)

  • Shiny by Shiny
  • 14 years ago

Yes! Really very very touching poem. Keep Writing more! Bless your wisdom!

  • Elna by Elna, India
  • 14 years ago

this is really a touching father has never really spend time, not much anyway, with me...........he usually sends us a lot of money to satisfy all our needs and more..........thanks for this mind enriching poem.......

  • Beau by Beau
  • 14 years ago

What a beautiful poem, it made me cry.
Thank you

  • Judyby Judy
  • 15 years ago

Awesome poem - so touching. My children have grown and are moving on. I've been trying to cope with the 'empty nest syndrome', but it is difficult. I spent a lot of time with my children, but then again, there were many times I put housework/chores or something else before them. By the time my work was done, they were ready for bed. The housework is still here, but they are not. Hold that child, not just one more time, but as many times as you can.

This is a beautiful poem. I honestly love it and feel every word you are saying. This poem put a special feeling in my heart and I thank you for that.
I love your Poem!

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