Prison Poem

Poem About Missing Boyfriend In Jail

My boyfriend is away in prison, and every day it hurts me so much raising our daughter by myself, so this poem just flowed from my heart, with nothing but sincerity and honesty of how I feel.

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Wow this site and all the comments have really made me feel less alone, my fiancée and I are at beginning of his 2 year sentence and everyone is so right it takes more strength and commitment...

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Night Falls


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2010 with permission of the Author.

Night falls and morning comes and still no sign of you
I wonder what you're doing and wished I were there with you

I think about you every day
and hope you're missing me too

I know we'll be together someday 'cause dreams do come true.
But until we find each other all I can do
Is dream of us together, alone just me and you


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Cindy by Cindy, Florida
  • 11 years ago

Wow this site and all the comments have really made me feel less alone, my fiancée and I are at beginning of his 2 year sentence and everyone is so right it takes more strength and commitment than anyone could ever imagine! We are so in love and being apart is very hard, but we are also best friends and we encourage and draw our strength from each other as well as our faith in God! It just a bump in the road to our forever happiness, and only makes us love even stronger and deeper with time! Stay strong and positive!

  • Mary by Mary, Pennsylvania
  • 12 years ago

My fiance is serving time right now for a violation of probation--which ended two years ago he only has a few months left, but still the time goes by so slow. The only thing that gets me by is the letters, phones calls, and visits. Knowing he will be home soon keeps my sprits up. I've learned that this is the real test of love, we'll either make it or not. I've realized any woman or man waiting on their loved one should be proud cause we are some of the strongest people out there, this is one of the toughest situations I've faced in any relationship I've been in and because of it I am a much stronger person and our relationship is even stronger than it has ever been.(:

  • Marcella Myer by Marcella Myer Poet
  • 13 years ago

Thank you to everyone for your encouraging comments I'm still holding on and haven't given up. So stay strong sometimes its hard to do. It's been 3 and a half years now he's been gone and I'd be lying if I said it gets easier with time. Hell No it don't. I miss him just as much today as I did the very first day 3 years ago.

  • Crystal by Crystal, Missouri
  • 13 years ago

I have to know this feeling all too well. My finance has been locked up since June 2011 and will not be home till March 2012. He left me with 2 young boys to raise. I became a single mother overnight. He did not mean to do this I am sure. Woman who love convicts have to remember to remain faithful and true to them so that they have a reason to do well and something to come home to. So to those of us who are still holding on and waiting keep your head up and remember that they are waiting just as well too.

  • Michelle by Michelle, Pennsylvania
  • 13 years ago

The Love of my Life just got locked up and is facing some serious charges...I feel so helpless, afraid, alone; I'm afraid that we may NEVER be together again--He had a rough life and became a Changed man when he met me; Everybody including his Family, hated on him, like they didn't want him to do GOOD--so now he's in jail over his brother doing him dirty. Don't know what I'm going to do!! I LOVE Him for LIFE--I just HOPE and PRAY I can be STRONG...

  • Alisha by Alisha, California
  • 13 years ago

My baby's daddy just got locked up in May and its very hard for me and my two year old son. We have 15 to 25 years without time and this poem hit my heart when I read it. God bless every women who's going through the struggles of having the one they love in prison.

  • Noemi by Noemi, Norway
  • 13 years ago

I came across this nice poem and it gave me tears, my fiancee has been inside since last year and wont be out until end of summer, we planned wedding, had to postpone everything because of the punishment.
I have a big respect to all of you women, it's not easy, but they need us more than anything, so to all of us, stay strong and hang in there, and yes...dreams do come true

  • Christina by Christina, Florida
  • 14 years ago

Yeah.. I understand where all of you come and my soon to be hubby been down a long road been a year and some odd months.. he was suppose to get out in March of 2011.. but he got into a little trouble and cost him all his gain time.. now instead of 3 months..we have another whole year.. I know how you people feel.. I will stand by him till death and beyond.

  • Sandra by Sandra, Los Angeles CA
  • 14 years ago

Well I understand you. My husband is been in prison 1 year and a half we got 10 long years to go but love can make miracles and I'll stand by him for as long as I live. I love him like the first day we me.

  • Marsha by Marsha, Florida
  • 14 years ago

Wow! I really liked that! I'm sorry to hear your story. My ex is in prison until 2016, so I know how you feel. We were together almost 2 years and our relationship ended a month ago. It was so hard on me and I just pray we'll be back together one day. Keep your head up!

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